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Jin walked Bulldog to the assistant station manager's office on one corner of the platform. He thought he'd use the room using Bulldog's name but he didn't need it. The office was already vacant. There was no sign of the manager around.

Jin was satisfied at the sight. He pulled a chair and let him sit.
Then he closed the door and pulled another chair and sat facing him.

"Now...Mr. Bullock," said Jin, "you'll answer some questions I have."

Bulldog smiled mockingly, "what questions Mr. Kim? Your game is over. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. You will not be benefited from arresting someone like me. You have lost the game a long time ago."

"Mind clearing up it a bit? I hear only barking!" Jin's face became expressionless suddenly.

"I will not say anything. Just know this, you have shouldered the responsibility to save the world, but your last ray of hope has been put off a long time ago!"


"I mean—you're fighting for a lost cause, Mr. Kim. No matter how skillful you are, the result has been decided already."

Jin frowned with questions in his eyes.

"Sorry to inform you, Mr. Kim. I got the antivirus, It should have already reached the Pentagon. I also made sure that you don't get a copy of that no matter how hard you try."

"Dr. Buren! where is she? What have you done with her?"

"You needn't think about that anymore- that lady will be no longer useful to you."

"Did you kill her?"

Bulldog just smiled without answering.

"Answer me, Mr. Bullock!"

"There will be no gain in yelling at me. It's over, Mr. Kim."

"That's why you went to kill me and Arya? If we already lost our chance,  then what is your need to kill us? Only insulting us wouldn't be enough, huh? Did I hurt your pride that much that you arranged a whole platoon to catch us?"

"A frayed thread must never be left hanging, Mr. Kim. It has to be cut off. What is the guarantee that you won't reveal the truth to the whole world in the future to damage America's image in front of everyone? How can we just let that happen?"

"America's image, or yours? If the conspiracy is exposed, don't you think I know who America will make a scapegoat at the first chance?"

"Think whatever you want," said Bulldog in a nonchalant manner. 

Arya knocked on the door this time. She waved her hands through the glass pine on the door once Jin looked at the door.

Jin quickly got up and opened the door.

"You can think whatever you want," Bulldog continued his previous streaks of words, "your wishful thinking won't be anything useful around here. Stop running and surrender instead, I can give you a chance to live."

"Asking us to surrender!" Arya said, "shouldn't you know that you are the one at our mercy right now?"

"It's no problem," said Bulldog, seemingly unconcerned, "you can't hold me back much longer, my people will start searching for me. Rather, you are in the trap yourself. We've already alerted the local police.
you can't get out of the station, even if you want to board the train,
You will be arrested."

"Is that so?" said Arya in a crooked tone. She was going to say something more, but the microphone on the station's public-address system came alive, "attention, please. This is the last boarding call for Thalys Express to Paris. I repeat..."

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