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Jin and his companions were knocked to the ground by the shockwave - their ears were ringing with the tremendous sound.

The four of them raised their heads somehow. Jin surveyed around with cautious eyes- looking for cover.

"God!" exclaimed Eva, "our plane... that...that...!" she wasn't able to make any comprehendible words with the suddenness of the events in front of her eyes.

"Gone...the money for the security deposit is gone forever!" Arya cracked a joke with her usual smile.

Jin jumped up and stood up. The helicopter moved away so that it doesn't get hit in the explosion. It will come back soon. They should take cover before that.

"Dr. Buren! We have to take cover.  Can we enter the hangar??"

The elderly woman stood up shaking her head and started running towards the entrance of the hanger followed by the rest. 

There was a small panel next to the blast door— she quickly started to punch the access code reaching in front of it.

Jin was startled and turned his head when he heard a loud noise behind him. He saw the helicopter coming towards them. The side doors of the helicopters were open. Two people were sitting there, they'll start shooting with their machine guns as soon as they can reach within their range.

"For God's sake, Elisa!" urged Jin forgetting his modesty, "hurry up!"

Elisa's hands were shaking, she couldn't press the buttons on the panel properly. She was jumbling up the buttons constantly. Seeing her condition, Arya pushed her away. She said, "let me do it. Tell me the code."

Shaking her head, the scientist started saying, "Six...one...two...one...

After hearing a mild sound, it was understood that the security system has been disabled. Now the mechanized doors of the hangar began to open with a hissing sound-
Moving sideways. 

The noise of the rotors was overshadowed by the sound of firing at their back.
The miscreants were firing from the helicopter, they were not willing to let their targets go away that easily.

Jin and Arya did not wait, they went inside after pushing their companions in through the slit made in between the doors already. He entered the hangar with a dive at the end of every one. Behind him came a trail of bullets in two rows, blowing dust, the last few of those bullets knocked on the hangar door.

"Close it!" Jin shouted, "close the door!"

Arya rushed to the inner panel and pressed the close button.

The blast door began to close again. 

Jin looked through the opening at the last minute and saw the helicopter landing, six armed killers were coming down from it. After that, the doors closed.

Inside the hangar, it went pitch black.
Arya turned on the light by pressing the switch beside the panel.

"W...who are they?"  Eva asked panting, "why are they attacking us?"

Jin could not answer. Elisa came towards him, the elderly Uno was shaking in fear. She said in a frightened voice, "they have come for me, Mr. Kim! Now it's my turn to die."

"Why are you so afraid?" Jin said in a light voice, "aren't we here with you?"

Elisa shuddered at the sound of metal on the hangar door. They were shooting at the door to examine the durability probably.

"What will you do!" Said the scientist in a panicked tone, "they are professional killers. They must have come fully prepared. They'll just kill us once they can enter here!"

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