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Present time,
June 13, New York, USA.

Luis palmer is a very health-conscious guy. Though he is in his fifty, he has beaten his age undoubtedly in his appearance. The secret behind his health is regular exercise and a good diet. He made it his habit to walk for a few miles after each meal. Especially, he walks three miles in a definite route every day after dinner.
Today wasn't any different.

He got down from his apartment building in seventy-ninth street exactly at seven-thirty and came to the central park. He was walking taking long steps, making sure to burn definite calories.
When he was in the middle of his regular route, he took a glance at his watch.
He was late than his normal timing. He increased his pace to cover up the lost time.

The central park of New York is a wonderful place of almost 843 acres. Though it seems natural, very few people know that it was made artificially from the design made by two landscape artists named Frederick Olmstead and Calvert Vaux.
When the population of New York was increasing exponentially in the middle of the eighteenth century, the city council decided to keep a natural touch in the middle of increasing concrete jungle. And thus this park came into existence in the central part of Manhattan.

Though it is artificial, Luis Palmer still loves the scene of the park. The fresh air never fails to uplift his mood.
Taking a lonely route through this park, he has been walking here every day for years.

Never over here in all these years in his life, he was in any sort of danger while walking.
So he was again walking with a light mind, but suddenly he stopped his pace.
He heard an unnatural sound. The sound has come from both sides- a sound of dried leaves as if someone is stepping on them. He blinked several times but the darkness was too dense to comprehend anything.

A match stick lit up a few feet in front of Luis Palmer. He saw a sharp-faced Young man in that light- lighting a cigarette facing him. That man was standing in such a posture that the walking route was blocked for Luis Palmer.

Luis Palmer's subconscious mind reminded him to be careful. A little fright was budding inside of his chest so suddenly. But still, he tried to sound normal, "excuse me. You are blocking my way. Move aside please."

The Young man puffed a mouthful of smoke in Luis Palmer's face and sighed, "you are going nowhere, Mr. Palmer."

"What? Who are you? How do you know my name?"

"Knowing is our job."

"Our? Who..." Luis Palmer couldn't finish his words.
The sound of rummage came from his behind and the very next second, both of his hands were in tight grip from two persons on both sides. He tried to struggle but couldn't manage to free himself. Not only his opponents were more in number, but also mightier in strength.

The first man came to a step closer and puffed another mouthful of smoke straight into his face.

This time Luis Palmer seriously was terrified. Coughing on the nicotine smoke, he managed to ask in a trembling voice, "who are you guys? What do you want? If you want my wallet, it is in my pocket. Take it and please leave me alone!"

"We don't want just a few bucks! We are being paid for it already! Who knew a nobody like you have such value, Mr. Palmer?"

Palmer was still coughing, but this time he was even more stunned to carry that on. He saw the man move while he was still in his daze. The very next moment he felt something penetrate below his navel and came two inches upwards with an upward pull. His body tried to crumble down in immense pain.

The men stepped back. He pulled back the thing with him.

The pain wasn't going anywhere. This time a stream of warm fluid was flowing out and suddenly Luis Palmer realized, he has been stabbed.

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