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Dusk was hovering over Duivendrecht.

Arya was sitting on a balcony of her room, guarding.
Although Gus and Friebel were outside, still, Jin didn't want to take any risks.
So, after talking to Dr. Buren, he installed a watch post on the second floor. They were taking turns to guard around.

Arya closed her eyes for a second but sprang up hearing the sound of someone entering the room.

She sat up seeing Jin enter the balcony.

Jin smiled at her, "what, have you fallen asleep?"

"No...Yes...I mean..."

"Relax, your body needs a little rest considering how we are running on pure adrenaline!" Jin held a plate in his hand and offered it to Arya.
"Have a bite. You'll get strength. We have more work ahead."

Arya took the plate in her hand and looked at the clock - it was twenty-past six. She said, "where did you go? You were supposed to come twenty minutes ago to take the guarding post!"

Jin pulled another chair and sat down, "just scouted around the whole house. That took some time. I saw you talking with Eva, I thought I would give you two some time to catch up!"

"Like I needed that time!" Arya rolled her eyes and smiled a little, "Jin, I know you have questions. Just ask away."


"What why?"

"Why her?"

"Don't get the wrong idea." Arya laughed mischievously, "we dated, yes. But that was just for fun."

"How is that fun?" Jin frowned a little.

"Just think, some handsome dude suddenly asked you out," Arya almost laughed, "think how interesting would that be? It would have been so much fun! Wouldn't you want to play along a little?"

"No!" Jin's brow instantly formed a knit, "you are weird! Who would do that?"

"Well, I was waiting for any men to approach me. Turned out they all were just cowards," Arya again rolled her eyes, "nobody ever approached me, can you imagine?"

"They were blind." Jin shrugged a little.

"Don't assume that I forgot that you were among them too!" Arya smiled, "anyway, Eva and I were classmates. We worked on a few projects together. She was a nice girl and we quite enjoyed each other's company. But suddenly one day she asked me out."

"And you agreed?" Jin again frowned.

"Well, I thought It would be a fun experience. Of course, I'd tell her that I just wanted something new to try and I had no interest in her romantically. But I ditched her on our third date even before I got to tell her. I had to go away for looking for my mom. And I never returned."

"So she never knew you used her for fun?" Jin eyed her seriously.

"Jeez! You are now making me the bad guy!" Arya frowned, "we didn't even pass the stage of holding hands. I'd tell her if I saw that she was getting weak for sure!"

"Wouldn't she be hurt?"

"So what do you want me to do? I was stupid who'd do anything that seemed interesting and fun. I'll apologize to her, ok?"

"Your wish." Jin shrugged, "it seems like she still likes you."

"It's all in past, ok?" Arya smiled, " by the way, are you jealous?"

"It's the second time you are asking me this!" Jin raised a brow.

"Are you though?" Arya's grin widened.

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