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that night, i followed her to her house. i saw her again. those cat-like eyes of hers and her lips, i didn't expect to feel them again. i really missed her.

"out of all the people, huh." i saw her. Yeji, the girl i loved ever since we were in college. she laughed in disbelief. i know she didn't wanna see me ever, after what had happened. i tried explaining to her, it was a misunderstanding.

"Yeddeong? i'm sorry i didn't know it was y-" she cuts me off. she shook her head and closed her eyes. she was trying to hold back her tears. i felt guilty.

"save it, i don't want to see you again." and just like that, she walked away from me. i watched her as her figure became smaller. but i couldn't just let her go, i want her to know that it was a misunderstanding. it really was. then after that, i'll leave like she wanted me to.

i followed her carefully into her apartment. it's very simple and it looks so cozy. i missed this. i miss her. i miss the things we did together. if only i could tell her that i would literally give up my career just to be with her. i realized that ever since i became successful, i pretty much couldn't do anything except listen to what JYP says. i never wanted to be controlled like this. i regret it so badly.

i can see her through the window, i saw her crying. i knew it was because of me. she was doing okay until i slid back into her life as if nothing had happened. i'm sorry Yeji, i'm really sorry.

i knew i had to think of a plan to make her talk to me again, to explain it to her. i want her to love me again, i miss her. everything about her makes me go insanely inlove with her again.


"hello Mr. Park, is it okay if I could eat here every breakfast? i'll pay extra cash. but only if i could be the ONLY customer, i can't let people see me and the fans. you know how paparazzi works, they're invasive." i talked to her boss. i hear him breathe through the phone, of course he's thinking about it.

"i'll pay double. please?" i begged him. eventually he said yes.

my plan is working, i thought.


"hi Yeji, it was nice seeing you again." i smirked at her, i really missed her. i missed teasing her like this.

i saw her expression, it was cold. it's full of hatred but also sadness. she really doesn't want to see me nor to communicate with me.

"what do you want, Ryujin?" she sighed. and there she was again, she was looking down. she's not facing me, i knew she's trying not to cry.

"i'm sorry if i slid into your life again just like that but please. give me a chance to explain, it was a misunderstandin-"

"enough. i don't want to hear anything from you. you've hurt me way too much, i don't want to let you do it to me aga-"

"can you just let me fucking explain?!" i slammed on the counter. she looked shocked but finally, she looked at me. her eyes were tearing up. she IS crying.

"explain what exactly? your lips accidentally went to Lia's lip? 'accidentally'? my bestfriend, Ryujin. she was my bestfriend." she looked at me. she didn't shouted at me, a tear slowly went down on her eyes.

"SHE kissed me Yeji! she asked if i could meet up with her but i didn't expect her to-"

"just shut up, will you? i've heard enough please. Ryujin, enough." i knew i messed things up but i'm here to fix it, i want her back. i'm not letting her go this time.

"look, i'll leave if you want me to. after you give me a chance to explain and make it up to you, i'll leave. and it'll feel like, i never existed i promise." i said as she looked at me worriedly. she still loves me but can't face the fact that kissed her bestfriend. correction, HER bestfriend kissed me.

"i never said i wanted you to leave.." i heard her mumbled. it made me smile a bit.

"i heard that, babe." i smirked at her and she looked at me surprisingly. she looked so flustered and shy, she's so cute.

"fuck off." she rolled her eyes and sighed. "what's your order?" she gave me a death glare.

"well..." i smirked at her.


"can i order the girl who's infront of me then?" Ryujin smiled widely as i looked at her in disbelief.

"i'm deadass serious, woman." i tried not to blush infront of her. i do admit, i do miss her. her hair, her eyes, her nose, her lips, her whisker dimples whenever she smiles, her...body..fuck-what am i thinking? get it together Yeji.

"i'm deadass serious too, Hwang." she changed her expression. i felt shivers through my body, why is she acting like this. she doesn't act like this before. it makes me nervous.

"u-um" i can't speak properly, i felt her eyes looking up and down at me. i didn't know what to do.

"hm?" she chuckled, fuck her honestly. she knows how to tease me and stuff, she's an expert at these and i hated that.

"can you just tell me your order and get this over with?" i said, i was pissed. yet she gave me another huge smile.

"Hwang, you're so stubborn. i told you i want you." she smirked at me. i was so surprised, what the hell? did she drank something before coming in here? please lord have mercy.

"can you stop playing with me?" i'm tired of this already, when will this end? lord give me a sign, when will i die?

"silly you, i want one coffee. less sugar, and toast bread." she smiled and went to her seat.

silly, you'd always be my first.

those words were repeating inside of my head, should i really give her a chance?

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