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i gulped as i felt her breathe into my neck slowly.


"but first, i need to ask permission, right?" i felt her smirk while breathing into my neck, i started to breathe heavily.

"right?" she asked once again but this time, i felt her right hand slowly going inside of my shirt as her left arm rubbing my stomach in a circular motion. i couldn't help but release a soft moan.

"R-Ryujin, i-" i turned to face her, her eyes were full of lust.

so Ryujin was pleasuring me while my back was facing her. i knew i needed her, right now. i waited too long for her. i want her right now.

"you haven't answered my question, love." she said to me as i slowly felt her leaning towards my lips. she kissed me, passionately.

we're making out, inside of a broken elevator.

fuck, Ryujin.

i pulled away and stared into her eyes as i felt her right hand squeezing my right boob slowly and softly. i let out a loud soft moan. shit.

"y-yes, Ryujin.." she turned me around and pinned me into a wall.

"yes what?" she smirked slowly as i gulped.

"i want you..please." i softly said to her as i felt her plump lips kissing me again.

while she was kissing me, her left hand were stroking my clit in circular motion. i was still wearing my jeans so i felt sensitive, i felt my cheeks flush.

i let out a moan.

"a-ah, Ryujin.." i put both of my arms around her neck as she continues what she was doing, as her right hand stroking my boob that was inside my shirt. she's making my crazy.

she pulled away and stared into my eyes for a few seconds then she stopped.

"strip." she said.

"w-what?" my eyes widened on what she said.

she slowly walked backwards and leaned on a wall, facing me. a smirk formed on her lips.

i paused for a bit then i slowly too a deep breath. looking into her eyes, i slowly took off my shirt infront of her. i could feel her eyes on my chest then slowly she looked up, looking into my eyes again.

she smirked then i saw her taking off her shirt too, revealing her toned abs and her matte black bra. it made me gulp.

she threw her shirt on the floor then she walked towards me and kissed me again. her right hand grabbed both of my arms and put it behind me. she pulled away then slowly, she kissed my neck.

"fuck, Ryujin." i moaned.

she began to suck on my neck as i let out a whimper. then soon, she left me a purple, red-ish hickey on my neck. then i felt her kisses slowly going down to my chest.

i felt her right hand unhook my bra, revealing my chest infront of her. i soon covered them.

"they're beautiful, don't worry." she gave me a reassuring smile then she slowly removed my arms that was covering my chest.

i soon felt her nibbling on my right boob, licking it then sucking it. while her left hand was stroking the other one, moans were filling up the elevator.

"s-shit." i closed my eyes in pleasure. then i felt her kisses slowly going down 'til it reaches that spot.

she looked up to me, asking if she could do 'that'.

i just nodded in response, i want her right now and i couldn't handle it.

she slowly pulled down my pants, revealing my panties infront of her, i felt embarrassed.

i felt her finger slowly stroking my clit. i flinched.

"god.." i began to catch my breath as i feel her finger moving in circles.

then soon, she pulled down my panties.

"it's beautiful." she said as i felt her breath on my kitty. it sent shivers down my spine. i felt her giving it a quick lick that made me flinch a bit.

and soon after, she was eating me out. loud moans were filling the room as i grip on her hair.

"f-fuck, don't stop.." i said as i felt her smirk then proceeds to continue what she was doing. then i felt a finger inside of me.

"crap!" i flinched, it ached a bit.

"are you okay? did it hurt? we can stop if you lik-"

"keep going.." i assured her, as she nodded then i felt her tongue on my kitty again.

it feels so good..

the ache that i was feeling slowly turned into pleasure, i couldn't stop making noises as she soon added another finger inside of me.

she was pumping it inside slowly while licking my kitty. both of my hands were gripping on her hair as she proceeds to fasten up the pace.

"f-fuck Ryujin, i'm near.." i told her as she began to fuck me faster and harder with her fingers. i began to feel something that was about to release and soon, i released my liquid on her fingers. i felt my body shake because of pleasure, fuck.

she slowly stood up then she showed me her fingers, i saw the liquid then she began to lick it clean.

"you taste sweet, kitty." she winked at me and i was panting, catching my breath.

she picked up my clothes that was on the floor and put it on me, then she took her clothes then she proceeds to get dressed before anyone catches us here.

i was still breathing heavily and i heard her giggle.

"that wasn't even the start and you're tired already?" she smirked at me as i just rolled my eyes on her.

"damn you.." i tried to stand up but i could barely move, it was my first after all.

she went towards me and put my arm around her shoulder, giving me a boost.

"you're light as a feather, Yeji-ah~" she laughed softly as i hissed at her.

"fuck you." i tried to slap her but i was too weak to do so and she just giggled.

"fuck me? when?" she winked at me as i sighed in disbelief.

after some mins, the elevator was fixed and the mechanic that was fixing the elevator apologized and i forgave him since, it's not his fault anyways. atleast it's now fixed.

Ryujin was boosting me until we arrived on my dorm. when we went inside, i hurriedly went on the bed. i was so exhausted.

Ryujin giggled softly then started to hover on top of me.

"i love you, Yeddeong." she said as she gave me a peck on my forehead.

"i love you more, Ryuddaeng." i smiled at her as we cuddled 'til we fell asleep.

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