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i woke up to Ryujin shaking me slightly, i opened my eyes to see her worried face looking at me.

"Yeji??? wake up, please.. i need you right now this is urgent." she started to panic.

"w-what? what happened?" i looked at her with confused eyes as she started to panic even more.

"your mom slipped, she landed on her arm and she's in pain right now." she said as my eyes widened.

"what?!" i raised my tone. i rushed to get out of bed and sprinted towards my mom's room.

"mom?!" i looked for her to see that she's on her bed, sleeping.

i rushed towards her and i tried to wake her up.

"what... what? Yeji? what are you doing?!" she said with irritation on her voice.

"what happened to your arm?!" i asked.

"what do you mean? i'm perfectly fine! god, you ruined my beauty sleep." she scratched her head out of irritation then she went back to sleep again.

don't tell me i got fooled by...

i scoffed as i realized what happened.


"SHIN RYUJIN!!!!!!!" i heard Yeji screamed, it echoed through the hallway.

oh god, i'm fucked.

i quickly locked our room, not letting her in.

"Shin Ryujin, you better open this door right now!" she banged the door, i could tell she's upset.

"Ryujin i have the keys on my hand and if you don't open the door, i will do it." she warned me.

i knew it was a bad idea. fuck you Yuna and Jisoo!

me, Yuna and Jisoo are sitting beside the pool. it's 8 in the morning and Yeji is still not awake yet, it was so boring so we thought of playing a game.

"soo, Yuna first." i said.

"dare." she hesitated.

i chuckled, "i dare you to jump into the pool, right now." she looked at me with shocked eyes as she scoffed.

"easy." she got up and looked down, she was hesitating.

"hurry up." Jisoo laughed as Yuna looked back.

"i'm tryin-" she got pushed into the pool by Jisoo, we both laughed as we saw Yuna's expression.

"i-it's so cold!" she said while trying to get out of the pool.

after Yuna got out of the pool, she tried to squeeze her soaked shirt, drying it.

"you'll pay for this Ryujin-unnie." she scoffed. i just shrugged at her response and continued to play.

"Ryujin, truth or dare?" Yuna asked.

"dare, obviously." i smiled.

she leaned into Jisoo's ear and whispered something, then they both chuckled softly.

"okay so, wake Yeji up. act like something bad happened but in reality, nothing happened. in short, make her mad." she grinned at me evilly.

making Yeji mad is scary.. fuck.

"what?!" i looked at them both to see them chuckling.

"you picked dare so.. you can't back out," Yuna winked at me. "also, that's what you get for making fun of me earlier at the dinner table." she tilted her head and she smirked at me. i sighed in defeat.

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