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she pulled down my shorts revealing my panties to her.

"you're very beautiful, Yeji." she said as she unbuttons her white button-down shirt, revealing her chest to me.

fuck, she's so hot.

"this, this is all for you. i'm only yours." she said, as she took off my shirt. she hovers on top of me once again.

i was only wearing my undergarments infront of her. then she started to lick my neck, gently sucking on it. i let out a small moan.

her hands were slowly caressing my inner thighs as she suck on my neck, i put my arms around her neck.

she spread my legs open, her body pressing against mine.

she left sweet soft kisses around my body, slowly working her way down to my core. it sent shivers down my spine.

she slowly pulled down my panties, revealing my center to her.

"i missed this." she smirked as she gave it a quick lick.

"a-ah... fuck-" i felt goosebumps. it's been a while since we did it.

"that's right, moan for me." she said as she slowly starts to lick my core in circular motions.

"urgh...a-ah~" my small moans were filling up the room.

i gasped as she inserted a finger inside me.

"mhmhm.." i closed my eyes in pleasure.

she was licking my clit while pounding her middle finger inside of me, i couldn't hold my moans.

"a-ah..R-Ryujin~..f-fuck.." i was tugging on her hair as she continues what she's doing.

"i love hearing you moaning my name." she said in a deep, hoarse voice.

she then inserted another finger inside of me.

"shit!" i screamed.

"hm?" she smirked as she continued to pump it inside of me.

"s-slow down Ryujin.." i begged but she just shook her head, my eyes widen as she began to fasten up the pace.

"f-fuck R-Ryujin..!" i grip onto the sheets tightly. but before i could scream, she pressed her lips against mine.

"i-i'm coming..-" i said while we're kissing.

"come for me." she said as i released my juices all over her fingers.

she sat up infront of me then smirked at me, my eyes widen as i saw her lick her fingers.

"you taste sweet." she winked at me.

"f-fuck off." i hissed at her as she chuckled softly.

"let me dress you up." she said as she went to get my clothes that was scattered around the floor, including my panties.


moments later, we were laying down beside each other. she was laying down, her right arm under her head. i was cuddling her on the side, my left leg on her tummy.

"i love you." she said softly, "you don't have to say it back right now, i just want to let you know that i love you." she chuckled.

"thank you." i stared at her, and she looked back at me. my heart began to beat rapidly.

she smiled at me then she gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"goodnight, Yeddeong." she said,

"goodnight, Ryuddaeng." i chuckled as we both fell asleep.


i woke up, feeling tired.

"Yeji-ah, wake up.." i heard Ryujin say as she shook me slowly.

"mmm..?" i mumbled then i slowly opened my eyes to see Ryujin.

she smiled at me, her whisker dimples appeared again. it made my lips form a smile aswell.

"it's 6am, are you not going to work?" she said softly as i giggle.

"mhm, i'll take a bath." i said, she nodded then i went to my closet to get my towel.

Ryujin was already dressed up since she wakes up more earlier than me.

i went inside of the bathroom, then to the shower. i put the towel on the sink then i slowly took of my clothes. i turned on the shower and good thing i have a heater. it was warm, it made me smile.

"you really don't know how to lock doors, Yeddeong." i heard, my eyes widened.

i turned around to see Ryujin leaning on the door.

"Ryujin!! get out!" i signaled her to get out but she just smirked instead.

"diy." she smiled, now i got confused.


"do it yourself." she said.

"come on Ryujinnn..." i whined as she laugh.

"okay, okay." she chuckled then she closed the door, i continued to take a bath.


after taking a bath i went outside of the bathroom to see Ryujin on the bed, laying down.

my towel is wrapped around my body and i'm still wet, i haven't dried myself yet.

"so, you're soaking wet?" she teased me.

"Ryujin! get ooouttt..!" i said as i walked towards her then pulled her arm, but she's too strong so she pulled me instead. i was on top of her.

"Ryujin, this is not the time to-"

before i could say anything, she kissed me. her hands gently grabbed my waist.

"i know." she giggled, then she sat up. i was sitting on her left thigh, my arms around her neck. then i started to feel her thigh rubbing into my center.

"f-fuck." i hissed as she continues to move her thighs, she knows what she's doing. she was still grabbing my waist, holding me in place and i was laying on her shoulder.

"R-Ryujin, stop..-" my left hand tugged on her hair. she chuckled softly.

"alright, alright." she nodded then i sighed in relief.

"we'll be waiting for you at the car." she told me and i nodded in response.


after i finished dressing up, it was 6:30am. i just ate a piece of bread then drank milk afterwards.

that was tasty. but you know what milk i prefer? jk.

i went outside then i searched for Ryujin's car. i was wearing a purple shirt then white jeans with beige doll shoes.

i saw a window car going down, then i saw Ryujin trying to get my attention.

"silly." i smiled as i rushed towards the car.

i went inside, i was behind the car while Ryujin is on the passenger's seat and Jisoo was driving.

"i can't believe i continued to eavesdrop on you both." Jisoo suddenly said, my eyes widened and so was Ryujin's.

"Jisoo-unnie!" Ryujin smacked Jisoo's shoulder, her face was red.

"um." i just sat there awkwardly.

she heard me.. making noises, wow.

"did you enjoy?" Jisoo teased,


"we definitely did, right Yeddeong?"



a/n: huy, thank you for 1.7k reads!! huhu love u guys sm <3!! kiss nyo ko :*

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