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"Ryujinnn? are you there?" i heard someone calling out for me.

i shook my head and saw Yeji looking at me worriedly.

"you were zoning out, is there something wrong?" she asked.


we're slowly breaking all the promises we made.

"it's nothing. i was just thinking about how i would miss you when this vacation is over." i smiled.

"what do you mean?" she asked,

"nothing. just work, you know? i just want to cuddle with you all night not thinking about work, hehe." i chuckled.

"so cheesy." she rolled her eyes, "let's go back?" she offered.

"okay." i agreed.


"Yeddeong?" she called, it made me stop walking.

"yes?" i smiled.

"i love you." she said, hugging me.

"oh? what happened?" i asked.

"nothing, i just want to say that i love you." she buried her head on my neck.

"i love you too, Ryuddaeng." i kissed her forehead.



while we were walking, my phone kept buzzing. so i signaled Yeji to go without me since we're already near. i told her someone kept texting me, it's from work. but when i looked at my phone, tons of notifications were blowing up. but i first opened Jisoo's messages.

 but i first opened Jisoo's messages

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someone...found out..

my biggest fear actually came true. us being caught.. everything going downhill.. Yeji leaving me.. i.. don't know what to do anymore..

i froze in shock, i dropped my phone.

how will i tell Yeji this? how will she process this? i need to protect her. but how? who knows what that monkey can do.

i picked up my phone and scrolled through twitter.

"SHIN RYUJIN spotted with a girl? is she lesbian?"

"she's lesbian? ew🤢🤮"

"shut up loser you stink🤣🤣"

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