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it was 8pm, we already ate dinner and my mom was talking to Jisoo. Ryujin was taking a shower at the bathroom while Yuna is talking to me.

"if you both aren't together then why are you with her?" she raised an eyebrow on me.

"it's because when i travel, i couldn't help but feel sick. that's why i don't visit you and eomma often, okay? she just helped me." i explained and her eyes widened a bit.

"oh, okay." she gave me a weird look, it's clear she doesn't believe me.

while talking, we heard the bathroom door opened. it revealed Ryujin with a towel wrapped around her, and there was still water dripping on her hair.

do you know those stuff when your background suddenly became slow? that's what happening right now.

she looks...hot.

Ryujin's eyes and my eyes met, we made eye contact for a few seconds. then i saw her lips formed a smirk, then she winked at me. i rolled my eyes in response.

she then went inside of the room.

"what was that, huh?" i heard Yuna, i flinched.

"w-what was what?" i nervously laughed.

"you got back together, didn't you?" she raised an eyebrow at me.

this time, i didn't even tried to deny it. i sighed in defeat.

"remember what happened last time?" she asked me, "i'm not trying to split you guys apart but, i'm just worried about you." she looked at me.

i patted her shoulder and smiled. "it's okay, she explained. there's nothing you need to worry about." i assured her, and she just nodded.

"if she did something i'd kick her butt for sure!" she said, i laughed.

"just, don't tell mom okay?" i gave her a 'please' look. and she sighed in defeat.

"okay, okay." she chuckled.

after some talking, i decided to go to my room now.

"goodnight unnie!" Yuna waved as i smiled at her then i waved back at her.

i was walking towards the door. but, i hesitated to go inside.

i have a bad feeling about this.

i sighed, i twisted the doorknob then i went inside.

i was expected Ryujin to suddenly pull me but i saw her there on the bed, asleep.

that's a first.

it seemed that she was really tired from the trip, i couldn't help but smile at her. she looks so cute while sleeping.

she was facing the wall while hugging a pillow. since i don't have another bed, me and Ryujin will sleep together until the end of my vacation here.

i slowly walked towards the bed, not making a sound. i didn't want to wake her up.

so now, i'm laying beside a sleeping Ryujin.

i looked at the clock to see it was 11pm. i understand why Ryujin's already asleep, she doesn't stay up late. unless... nevermind.

my back was facing Ryujin's back. it was hard to sleep if i couldn't find the perfect position, the bed isn't that big for two people so you need to find a way to fit in.

i heard Ryujin mumbled.

"eeeh~ mhm Yeji.." i heard, my eyes widened.

what... what was that?

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