special note from author

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hello! it's been a wonderful journey writing this au.

i actually didn't expect that many will read this since it was all in my head and i decided to write it all down.

thank you for supporting and reading my au's! the story has officially come to an end.

i'll be writing a new story called "reunited", another au about Ryeji. but i'll be taking a short break from writing. but i'll post once that i'm done and i'll probably plan that plot a lot better. AND i might fix the grammatical errors on this story from time to time if i'm not lazy/busy. (there are too many grammatical errors, it made me feel cringe or uncomfy to re-read it lol)

i deeply apologize for making you guys wait.. (for months), i actually forgot about the plot.. and i was busy with my own things. but i finally finished the story!

i hope you enjoyed this story, thank you and have a nice day!

her | RyejiWhere stories live. Discover now