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why did this happen? do i deserve this? i don't care if my parents neglected me but Yeji? leaving me? i can't lose her as well...


"so, you guys are leaving tomorrow morning?" Yuna asked me and Ryujin, but she didn't seem sad. more like she understood what happened.

"my baby, be careful okay?" my mom hugged me, "it's better if you prepare your things now so that when you leave, all your things are packed already." my mom adviced.

"yes eomma, we will do that." i smiled.

"okay, i love you." she said,

"i love you." i said while she caressed my cheek.

"i can't believe my baby is all grown up.. when you were young you wanted my help all the time, i was annoyed i admit that. but as you grow up, i missed how you needed my help all the time." she said, tearing up.

"eomma, don't cry! how will i leave if i'm seeing you crying?" i whined.

"i'm sorry baby, i just love you so much. you and Yuna." she smiled.

i gave her a hug and signaled Ryujin to go to our room.

as she closed the door, she still looks sad. i don't want to see her like this, i just want to see her whisker dimples all the time. seeing her sad makes me weak.

"so, could we spend our dinner together? it'll be our last for now." Yuna chuckled, trying to boost up the mood a bit. i could tell all of us are experiencing different emotions right now.

"sure, Yuna." i hugged Yuna and she hugged me back.

"okay, girls i'll just call you when dinner is ready. you can go back to your rooms now. and Yeji, you can fix all your things while i'm preparing dinner. inform Ryujin as well." she said, i just nodded and smiled at her. reassure everything will be alright.

as i walked into my room, i could hear sniffling. i guess it's Ryujin. i really couldn't stand watching or hearing her like this.

i opened the door to see Ryujin covered in blankets, trying to not make a sound but it's still obvious.

i approach our bed and laid beside her, hugging her from behind.

"Ryuddaengg? why are you still cryingg?" i gently remove the blankets that were covering her.

"i don't want to feel selfish but i don't want you to go Yeddeong.. i don't want to leave you, i don't want to be far from you, i want you to just be by my side but i don't want anything harmful to happen to you.. i'm sorry.." she said, still facing back at me.

"Ryujin, face here.. face me." i said.

she slowly turn around and i could see how red her eyes are. she must be scared, but not because of the fans or her career going downhill; she's not scared of JYP either. she's scared of losing me again..

"i'm right here Ryujin.. i'm always here for you." i hugged her from the front.

"i know baby, i'm sorry.. i can't picture us ever being apart again; since our breakup, not a single day has gone by that i haven't thought of you. i wouldn't want to be an idol if i knew this would happen." tears rolled down to her face but i gently wiped it off her face, then i caressed her cheeks.

"i love you, no matter what happens. understand?" i said. "even if everyone is against us, even if they push me away from you, even if they don't want me to be with you i will always choose you. i will fight for you, i'll do what it takes. and if you're worried about me liking anyone else, pfft. i only love you Ryujin. i only love Shin Ryujin." our eyes locked with each other, then she slowly hugged me back.

"what do you plan on doing tomorrow?" i asked.

"i don't know, just being with you is enough." she said, still hugging me while her eyes are closed.

"have you cried like this before?" i got curious.

"no, only you can do this to me." she said.

"do what?" i chuckled.

"only you can make me feel like this, i don't want to ever experience this with anyone else other than you." she smiled.

"me too, Ryujin. only you can make me feel this way." i looked at her eyes, it's still closed but she's smiling.

"i'm happy you're not crying anymore." i said.

"i like making you happy." she giggled.

she slowly opened her eyes and we locked eyes with each other again. we slowly closed our eyes as she went in for a kiss, and i could feel her lips moving softly against mine. then she pulled away.

"i missed your lips." she caressed my cheeks.

"what else did you miss?" i teased her.

"you.. naughty girl." she smirked.

she slowly leaned over to my ear and whispered.

"i miss touching every inch of your body and making you moan my name, Yeji." she said in a deep voice.

she kissed my cheeks as i gulped.

i didn't expect her to say that i was just teasing her..

"Ryujin!!" i smacked her on her chest.

"you asked for it!" she laughed. "but i'm serious, i mean that." she looked at me.

"no! not now.. we're at my mom's hou-" my eyes widened when i felt her hands slowly trailing my chest down to my..

"Ryujin.." i tried to stop her.

i let out a soft moan as she sucked on my neck as her fingers were playing with my breasts.

"can i?" she stopped, looking at me for consent.

"be gentle.." i said and she nodded.

her hand carefully went inside my shirt and unclasped my bra with just one hand as i covered my lips to prevent any noise. she continued to play with my breasts. my nipple was touched by her fingers, which she moved in a circular way.

"R-Ryujin.." i whispered.

she pulled up my shirt, revealing my chest to her. she looked at me, smirking.

"i like the view here." she said, playing with one breast then she leaned in to suck my other. i couldn't help but make a noise.

"R-Ryujin, they'll hear us... ah~" i closed my eyes.

"so what if they hea-" i heard footsteps coming towards the room.

"girls! dinner is ready!" my mom knocked on my door and was about to come in.

"NO! DON'T COME IN! we will come out ourselves." i yelled, pulling my shirt down and clasping my bra again as Ryujin giggled.

"but i already had my dessert, right.. here." she pointed at my breasts.

"shut up." i rolled my eyes.

"you started it." she chuckled.



a/n: i am so sorry for the late late update! i'll try to keep up next time. i hope you enjoy this chapter.

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