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ring ring ring!!

i heard a loud noise, it made my ear hurt and my head ache.

"that damn thing, ugh." i scratched my head roughly, i was furious.

"you should get up, Hwang. your work is 7am right? it's 6:30am." i heard Ryujin chuckled. i turned my head to her, i saw her looking at the mirror, looking at me while she puts on her clothes. she was putting on a white long-sleeved polo and black pants, and she was wearing white sneakers, as always.

i saw her hand ran through her hair, her hair looks so smooth and her plump lips.. soon, she licked her lips and i remembered something that i shouldn't, fuck it.

"o-oh um- yeah." i laughed nervously.

"you just woke up?" she giggled.

"yeah, what's wrong about that?" i rolled my eyes. then i got up and fix the bed, then i felt something behind me. no, let me rephrase that. someone was behind me.

i turned my head a bit. in the corner of my eye, i saw Ryujin behind me.

"you still smell good, Hwang." she said in a deep voice, it sent shivers down my spine.

"can you fuck off?" i turned around to face her and i met her eyes.

"jesus, calm down." she giggled.

"me and Chaeryeong will wait for you at the car, alright? don't move like a turtle and hurry up. your boss wouldn't be mad since, you're with Shin Ryujin." she winked at me and i was about to hit her but she walked out the room.

she's crazy, ugh!

i was fixing my hair as always, putting it on a high ponytail then getting my glasses and my mini-bag. i was wearing a white t-shirt and my black sweatpants. i look simple but, who cares? i still look pretty.

"goodmorning, Yeji!" mrs. Lee said.

"goodmorning, mrs. Lee. i'm sorry i need to go to work, i promise i'll make it up to you and mr. Lee. we'll eat breakfast together when i'm free!" i bowed to her, i felt guilty.

"it's okay, Ryujin already explained and i understand. you should go, they're waiting for you." she gave me a reassuring smile and i nodded in response. she's really kind.

i was walking towards the front door, then mrs. Lee said something.

"Yeji! do you want to have dinner with us tomorrow, Thursday?" she smiled.

i took a huge breath.

"i'll check if i'm free." i gave her a weak smile then i went outside.

i didn't know what car they were in but i saw Ryujin waving at me. she rolled down the window.

"you're so slow!" she said to me.

"yeah, yeah." i rolled my eyes then i ran towards their car. i sat on the passenger's seat, beside Ryujin since she's driving the car. and Chaeryeong was on the back, i saw her smiling secretly.

silence filled up the car then Chaeryeong broke the silence.

"sooo? how are you Ryujin? we missed you so much." she said excitedly.

"good. i'm good, how about you?" Ryujin responded.

"i'm great! i became a successful secretary like i told you." she said as i saw her playing with her hair.

"that's good, i'm proud of you." Ryujin said coldly.

"is everything... alright?" Chaeryeong asked her.

"definitely." Ryujin gave her a smile, i knew something was wrong but. i don't want to pressure her more.

moments later we arrived at the building that Chaeryeong was working on.

"by the way, i'll be staying with you guys for a week. my boss gave me the permission to do so." Ryujin said as Chaeryeong nodded excitedly then waved us goodbye. she went outside the car and went inside the building. she looks like a model.

but i realized, only me and Ryujin are left inside the car. it was very awkward.

"u-um, i feel cold." i said as i reached for the aircon that was focused on me, i really felt really cold. or maybe.. i was nervous?

then i noticed Ryujin was also reaching for the aircon, our fingers touched.

she feels so warm.

i flinched and i immediately pulled my hand away. she put the aircon towards her and i couldn't help but smile.

"do you feel warm now?" she asked me worriedly as i just nodded in response.

moments later, we arrived at the cafe that i was working on. when i went inside, my boss was about to lecture me but he noticed that Ryujin was behind me.

"you brought her here?" my boss asked Ryujin as she just nodded and he went calm.

"oh, alright." he puts on a teasing expression. ugh.

i went inside the cafe and i began to take Ryujin's order.

"same as always." she said to me.

"mhm, then 3 slices of mocha bread, right?" i gave her a smile and her cold expression became light. she looked happy.

"yes!" she giggled.

"okay, coming right up." i told the staffs and i waited for them to make the order.

just as always, a slice of toast bread and coffee, less sugar of course. but since i'm so kind, i willingly gave her 3 slices of mocha bread for free. even though i still have this heavy feeling whenever i see her, she doesn't deserve to be treated as if she's not human.

the order arrived and since i'm the waitress, i need to serve it to her.

i took her order and i walked towards her seat. she was reading a magazine.

i put the food on the table, then i bowed. i was about to walk away but i felt a hand grabbed my hand.

"stay here." she was still looking at the magazine and i was standing beside her, looking down at her.

"what?" i was confused, what is she doing?

"i said, stay here. sit infront of me. let's eat it together." she put the magazine on the table. then she looked up at me and smiled.

what is she planning this time? is she crazy? this idiot.

i just nodded and i sat infront of her, she began to eat the toast and mocha bread. then she took a sip of the coffee.

"what are you doing? it's not my job to sit infront of a customer and watch them eat." i facepalm.

"i'm the only customer here, so you should be obeying me and serving me. only me, Hwang."

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