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she missed me? i doubt that.


June 2020, Monday

i was packing my stuff because i was moving out for college. i'll miss my mom and my sister, Yuna.

"Yeji-unnie! do you really really REALLY have to move out for college? you can stay with usss!" Yuna pouted while hugging me.

"i can but my college is too far from here, it'll be a hassle if i travel 2 hours every time i go there and another 2 hours if i come back home." i chuckled. she looks so cute, i understand why she's sad but i really can't bare to travel 2 hours back and forth. it'll make me sick.

"but you'll come back right, unnie?" she smiled at me and i see tears rolling down from her eyes. she's so dramatic, i love it. she looks so cute knowing that she'll miss her unnie.

"yes Yuna-ah." i chuckled.

"well sweetie, take care okay? i'll take care of your sister. eat healthy and don't stay up late like you always do." my mom scolded at me. but i see tears forming on her eyes.

"yes, eomma. i'll miss you so much!" i hugged her and my sister.

"my baby is growing up..huhuhu" my mom said as she wipe her tears of joy.

"i love you, eomma. i love you, Yuna!" i smiled at them both as i quickly got my bag and went inside of the taxi. i waved them goodbye then i signaled them to contact me and they nodded. then we drove away.

i'm Hwang Yeji. 19 years old, jobless i guess. pretty? yeah. going at my new college, i hope things would work out well.

my mom and dad got divorced, they fell out of love. i'm avoiding to experience love because i don't want to experience what happened to my mom and dad. my mom told me that there was no third-party, no drama, just one day, they fell out of love and decided to end things there.

honestly, i'm not mad about my dad. me and Yuna would usually go visit him every summer then we would hang out, eat icecream and go to arcades. it was fun, but. at the age of 10, we received a news that he eventually passed away. he got into a car accident and he had really severe injuries, my mom felt really sad about that. after a few years we accepted that my dad had found a peaceful life in heaven.

i'm the eldest, it's my responsibility to help my mom raise my sister, Yuna. not because it's just my responsibility, but because i want to.

"hey, can you please hurry? i'm about to be late.." i signalled the driver to drive faster.

he nodded and i sighed of relief. since i can't do anything at the moment, i decided to pull out my phone and play offline games. but firstly, i looked at the time.

7:58am shit, i'm going to be late.

i started to get anxious. first day then i'd be late? great. a bad impression from my professor, got it.


i hurriedly gave the driver the money and dashed through the building. it was a huge college, it looked so expensive.

on my way there, i bumped on someone. a girl, shoulder-length black hair. she looks so simple yet so beautiful.

"shit, i'm so sorry...?" i didn't know what her name was. the time was running. she fell on the floor and her expression turned angry.

"can you atleast watch where you're going?" she scoffed and stood up. walking out the building.

is she cutting classes? what on earth was she thinking? oh well. not my problem.

i was walking on my way to class but, at the same time i wanted to follow where she was going.

i'll just explain that i received an emergency, yeah it's believable.

i slowly followed the girl, she was wearing a simple white t-shirt, black sweatpants and white sneakers. she looks so pretty.

i noticed she looked left and right then quickly jumped over a fence.

where the fuck is she going? this looks dangerous. but yet here i am, following her.

i noticed it was a beautiful park-like place. it has a bench on the middle and so many flowers and bushes are surrounding over it. plus, you can clearly see the sun. it'll look so cool when the sun sets. it's not a noticeable place, so i guess she found this by herself?

i was watching her admiring the plants and flowers, i found her sighing. she looked so mad and furious earlier but here, she looked calm.

i never realized i was standing there and staring at her, admiring her perfect side profile from afar.

"you? what are you doing here?!" she screamed in a low-voice tone.

"i'm sorry i-" she didn't let me finish and she pulled me with her.

there was a moment of silence. i was staring at her while she was doing something, she was drawing.

"i'm sorry i lost my cool earlier, i got really pissed on my professor. he's literally a bitch." she blurted out. i chuckled in response.

"it's okay, i understand. i'm sorry too, i was rushing on my way to my class because i realized i was running late. it's my first day after all." i explained to her.

"ah so, you're the new student that my professor was talking about huh?" she smirked.

"you're in the same class as me?" i asked her, surprisingly.

"yeah. by the way, my name is Shin Ryujin. i mean i can be a bitch sometimes but i'm sorry, my patience is not that long." she giggled softly, i found myself staring at her admiringly. i felt something about her that i can't explain. it was new to me, and i don't hate it.

"my name is Hwang Yeji. and it's nice to meet you, i hope we get along well." i smiled at her. and finally she looked at me, our faces were closer to each other.

"don't 'hope', because we will get along well." she smirked.

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