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"goodmorning baby!" i said as she finally woke up.

"morning." she said,

"are you okay?" i asked her but she just shrugged.

"i'm going to work." she said as she got up, "can you go out?" she put both of her hands on my shoulders and tried to push me outside.

"what's your problem??" i gave her a confused look.

"look, i'm tired okay? i go to sleep tired, i wake up tired, i go to work tired, i go home tired, i'm tired. don't bother me, please?" she said, trying not to raise her voice.

"okay.." i said, walking out of the room by myself as she shut the bedroom door.

i thought we were good just days ago?

she's always like this. we argue, we make up, then we argue again. but that's okay, i just need to understand her right? since she's working and i'm just here, cleaning the house, doing nothing. should i just look for a job?

the bedroom door opened and it revealed Ryujin with her towel and clothes. she's walking towards the bathroom. it's like, we're strangers living in the same apartment.

i sprinted towards her before she could come inside of the bathroom.

"what's your problem, Ryujin? i thought we were okay days ago? why did you suddenly became cold towards me again?" i asked,

she sighed deeply.

"i'm running late, step aside." she said, closing the door on me again.

what did i even do this time?


after 15 minutes, Ryujin came out of the bathroom. all dressed, her hair is still wet. her clothes looked so messy.

"i need to go." she said as she tried to put on shoes. she grabbed her things and was sprinting towards the front door.

"i love you.." i said,

"let's talk later." she said, not even looking back at me. and there she goes, she was out of my sight.

my eyes couldn't hold it anymore, tears were forming. and soon enough, i was crying.




"hi baby.." she said with a gentle voice, her arms were slowly hugging me from behind.

"it's midnight." i said as i continued washing the dishes, not looking back at her.

"i'm sorry. my boss-"

"close that mouth of yours Ryujin, i don't want to hear anything from you." i said as i removed both of her arms that was hugging me from behind my waist. i was trying so hard not to cry on the spot.

"my boss told me to finish something or i won't be able to come home.." she said, trying to hug me again.

"stop it Ryujin." i said,

"stop what?" she asked.

"stop making me feel like i'm a bad girlfriend few hours ago then act like nothing happened." i said, "you even came home late!" i raised my voice.

"that's not my fault, i already told you that my boss-"

"fuck your boss, fuck you!" i yelled. "do you know how long i've waited for you? have you even noticed the table? i cooked fucking three meals for you and you didn't even notice it once! i sent you messages, MESSAGES. i kept asking you when are you going to come home, even if i know you won't come home i still cooked for you hoping that you would.. fuck! look at the table, do you see that?!" i pointed at the table revealing three untouched meals for Ryujin.

"you didn't even notice that you're hurting me already." i wiped my tears as i dashed to the bathroom and i locked it shut.

"Yeji.. open the door." she said, "i'm sorry, i'm sorry that i don't have time for you anymore.." she knocked on the door a few times.

"i'll be here, love.. i won't go anywhere." her voice was shaking.


"if only i could tell you, baby.. if only i could.." i whispered through the door.

i run my hands through my hair out of frustration, tears are coming out of my eyes.

she doesn't deserve this, she really doesn't..

i kept knocking on the door for a few times yet i haven't received an answer, i couldn't hear anything.

"Ryujin." she suddenly called,

"yes?" i answered.

"i'm tired already." she said, "tired of understanding you, doing efforts for you." she said with a cold tone.

"i'm tired of the way you treat me, i'm tired of everything. i'm tired of you." she sighed.

"no.. what does that mean.. Yeji?" my voice is shaking.

"i'm at a point where i'm getting tired of loving you."

then it turned silent, i didn't know what to say.

"if i come out of the bathroom, i don't want to see your face." she said, coldly.

i don't have much of a choice than to follow what she says. i understand she's mad at me, i'm mad at myself too. i'm mad because i couldn't do anything. i'm sorry Yeji, i'm sorry for making you feel this way..

"baby.." i tried knocking again.

"leave me alone!" she yelled,

i sighed deeply.



"hi love.." i sat beside her. she was sitting alone on the couch, she still haven't talked to me the whole day and it was saturday so i don't have work. it should be our bonding together yet it isn't since she's upset.

she wasn't answering me.

"love, i'm sorry.." i tried talking to her again. she's just watching the tv, ignoring me.

"i know i shouldn't treat you that way.. i don't know how will i make it up to you." i said, my voice shaking. she's still ignoring me.

"ok and?" she asked, not looking at me.

"i love you.." i said, hugging her from the side.

"i'm going to bed." she said as she stood up and walked towards our bedroom.


i followed her and she was already laying down, i feel so guilty.

she deserves someone better than me, someone who can make her feel like she deserves everything. someone who can give her anything she wants, someone who can spoil her. someone who's not afraid to take risks for her. i'm not that person. i couldn't give her anything she wants, i couldn't spoil her, i couldn't make her feel like she deserves everything, i don't deserve her.

maybe i deserve everything that's happening to me right now.

i wish i could give her anything, but right now.. i have nothing, i only have her. but it seems that even Yeji is getting tired of me, tired of loving me, and understanding me.

i love her, but it seems like we're slowly drifting away from each other.

we're slowly breaking all the promises we made.



a/n: i'm so sorry to keep you waiting, i'm trying my best to update the story. and i almost forgot the plot but luckily i remembered it again. and it was my birthday few days ago :) i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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