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i really missed her, i didn't want to walk out of the small cafe she works in. i wanted to hug her so badly. but i need to, this shitty industry sucks. fucking schedule, just wait Yeji, i'll win you back again.

"i genuinely missed you." i said to her, but i didn't let her say anything. i softly smiled at her then i walked out of the cafe before she says anything.


she missed me, really? i hardly doubt that. after she cheated on me? fuck her.

my emotions and feelings for her is so confusing. i don't want to see her and talk to her but a part of me still misses her and loves her. this is so stressful, i need a break.

"are you alright, Yeji?" i felt my boss tap my shoulder. i turned to him, he looked so worried. i never saw him like this before.

"i'm okay, it's just that- i feel stressed and all. i want a break but i need money to live." i turned to him and smiled softly at him.

"well, even though you are always late- you're my best worker here. and i saw how passionate you are with your job, the only problem is that you're always late." he chuckled softly.

"i was about to give you a promotion for working hard after some years. you know, i was just scaring you about firing you earlier. i can't fire my best worker." he turned to me smiled, i couldn't help but tear up a bit.. a promotion? this is great!

"and i noticed you know Shin Ryujin already? are you both friends or something?" he asked me while sipping on his coffee, i looked away.

"um.." i laughed nervously, i don't know how am i going to say this but, here it goes..

"soo?" he sounds so curious, it made me giggle a bit.

"yeah i know her, actually.. she's my ex." i smiled weakly at him. i still feel a sharp pain on my chest whenever i tell someone about us back then.

i noticed Mr. Park was choking on his drink, oh god.

"are you okay?! Mr. Park?!" he was holding on his chest, he was choking so badly. have i said something wrong?

"god, Yeji! g-get me water!!" he was holding on his chest and was trying to not spill the coffee. i was trying not to laugh.

i went in to get him some water then he finally calmed down.

"ahem..okay. so, you both are ex-lovers back then?" he asked me.

i nodded in response, i was forcing a smile at him but he noticed it.

"so that's why you looked furious earlier, it's okay. i feel you." he patted me on the head and gave me a smile.

he has an ex too? i mean, yeah obviously.

"instead of 'ex-girlfriend', she's my 'ex-wife'. we got divorced." he smiled weakly at me.

"i caught her cheating at me with some rich old man, she even tried to deny it. what a bitch." he shook his head. i remembered Mr. Park was on his 50's, but it's not that noticeable since he still looks young.

"she did too.." i said to him and his eyes widened.

"Shin Ryujin? cheated? that's shocking." he laughed nervously.

"yeah, even i couldn't believe it." i sighed.

"well, did you let her explain?" he asked me.

"no..the moment i saw them, we broke up right on the spot. i didn't even bother to talk to her and i blocked all of her contacts on my phone." and soon, i was tearing up.

"well, you could've let her explain why she did that to you but.. i understand what you're feeling, come here." he signaled me for a hug. and i hugged my boss, i burst out crying on his chest. it hurts.

i felt like i was hugging my father again, i missed my father. it made me cry even more.

after some few mins, he tried to cheer me up by telling jokes and telling stories about how he fell off a tree. that shit is hilarious, and before i knew it-i stopped crying.

i saw my father in him. kind, always smiling, looks scary but isn't, helpful, polite, everything. it made me smile.

"i could ask Ryujin to stop eating here if that's where you're comfortable with?" he told me but i shook my head. i missed her aswell and she told me she would explain at the right time.

"no it's okay, i can still face her. don't worry." i gave him a reassuring smile and a thumbs up and he nodded in response. he went inside of his office afterwards.


i noticed that i can go home now. i went to Mr. Park's office and told him i'll go home now, he nodded and told me to keep safe.

i was thinking of getting icecream since i'm craving for one. so i went outside of the cafe and i began searching for a small store.

i passed by at the store where me and Ryujin used to go, i noticed Lia is still working there. she noticed me and smiled at me but i just ignored her.

she really had the guts to smile at me after what she did? she can simply fuck off.

i found another small store and they were selling icecreams! i felt relieved and happy.

i started to walk towards the shop.

i pulled out my phone to take a quick selfie. then after that, i put it inside of my bag.

it was a cute, simple, shop. the walls were pink, the roof was white and it looked like a cupcake, for me.

i went inside to buy icecream and after picking what icecream i should buy, i went to the cashier to pay then i went outside the shop.

i bought chocolate icecream, mmmmm..

i opened the pack and i drooled, it looked so good and refreshing hehe. when i was about to lick my icecream, i felt someone stood infront of me.

it was Lia, my ex-bestfriend.

"please talk to me, let me explain."

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