
450 18 8

Oli added 15 others to [Untitled chat 25]

Scott: shit name

Oli: Give me a better one then

[Scott changed chat name: gay.]

Gem: nice

Oli: that's not creative either

Scott: I didn't say the name wasn't creative I said it was shit

H: why is that the chat name

Scott: I think it encapsulates this group incredibly well

H: I'm not gay

Scott: I know babe <3

[Gem changed chat name: simps]

Katherine: accurate

Shelby: accurate

Callum: Why have I been dragged to another of Oli's group chats

Jimmy: same

Scott: omg

Scott: is that my favorite hetro husband

Jimmy: I'm your favorite?

Jimmy: I'm so honored

Quig: telling Wisp you said that Scott.

Scott: no please

[Quig has added 1 other to simps]

Wisp: wgat???

Scott: honey don't listen to anything Quig says

Scott: he's manipulating you

Scott: I'm being gaslight

Quig: that's not what gaslighting is

Scott: well how should I know

Scott: Ive always been the gatekeep of my relationships

Jack: I can tell

Scott: wtf is that supposed to mean

Jack: you would be the gatekeep in a relationship, that's what it means.

Scott: is that an insult?

Jack: if you want it to be


Jimmy: Jack are you bullying my husband??

Jack: I dont know, am I?

[Scott has added 1 other to simps]

Cleo: ?

Scott: Cleo they're saying im not being gaslit

Scott: when I very clearly am

Meghan: Joey is more gaslight then you and Cleo combined

Joey: so true

Cleo: there's a difference between gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing, and literally being an arsonist.

Meghan: emotional manipulation and setting a house on fire are the same in my book

Cleo: you have a shit book then

Lauren: Hello?

Lauren: I'm getting so many notifications from this gc

Shelby: omg Lauren's here

Lizzie: i heard Lauren was here

Scott: why does nobody come online for me D:

fWhip: Hello Scott

Scott: <3

Scott: H I might have to get fwhip to replace you as husband #1

H: please do

H: I have no issues with that

Scott: actually I changed my mind

Scott: you can stay

H: fuck you

Scott: we havent even been on our second date yet 

H: we never had a first date

Wisp: yeah you did

Wisp: I was there

Jimmy: I was as well

H: playing in your minecraft tournament was not a first date

Lauren: totally was

Scott: Lauren you are so right

Scott: we should get dinner later

Shelby: can i come?

Katherine: same

Joey: girls and the gays night out confirmed?

Gem: it is?

Scott: yeah it is

Scott: just decided


A/N: okay so im probably not going to do any actual romantic ships. I dont feel like making romantic focused stuff. Not much outside of Scott flirting with aqua husbands, nature wives simping for each other, and maybe a bit of Jizzie fluff, idk yet.

Sorry this chapter was so short but there will be longer ones too

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