Girls and the gays (Jack Manifold not included)

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The girls and the gays

Shelby: can I ask Niki to join us 

Shelby: pleeeease

Scott: If you tell Niki then she's gonna tell Jack, then Jack's gonna want to come.

Lauren: what's wrong with Jack

Scott: everything

Scott: Someone add Cleo and Pearl here

Gem: do it yourself

Scott: I'm lazy

Gem: They're your friends

Scott: yours too

Gem: but you were the one that asked for them to join

Scott: are you really gonna leave them out of girls and gays night?

Gem: I never said that

Scott: then why aren't you adding them


Scott: I never said I was gonna do it

[Lizzie added 2 others to The girls and the gays]

Lizzie: now both of you shut up

Meghan: thank god

Pearl: I was wondering when I'd get added here

Cleo: same

Cleo: Scott really forgot to add us, I feel betrayed

Scott: i didn't forget

Scott: It simply slipped my mind

Katherine: which is forgetting?

Scott: shh

Meghan: anyways

Meghan: where are we even going

Shelby: mall, dumbass

Meghan: no i mean who's house after

Meghan: its not an honorary girls and gays night if there isnt a sleepover involved?

Scott: not mine

Shelby: not gonna fight you on that one

Shelby: Katherine?

Katherine: I would be honored

Scott: now I gotta find a way to sneak out without Jack finding me

Scott: brb

Lauren: still don't see what's wrong with Jack

Lauren: he seems cool

Shelby: He isnt TERRIBLE i guess

Lizzie: They're both just overexaggerating

Shelby: Can I invite Eret and Ela instead

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