Broken heart club !

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[Ren added 2 others to Losers Club.]

Martyn: Ren I thought we already mutually agreed that we weren't gonna call ourselves losers.

Pearl: yeah

Pearl: we're too cool to be losers >:D

Ren: oh yeah

Ren: I'll change that

[Ren changed chat name: Broken heart club]

Pearl: that's way cooler

Pearl: thank you

Martyn: you could have just lead with that

Ren: okay it was between rotten souls club, losers club, or broken heart club.

Ren: and I already know you guys don't like your souls being called rotten 

Pearl: gosh I wonder why??

Ren: despite the fact that they are demon infested.

Ren: and I didn't know if we wanted our logo to just be heartbroken.

Ren: seems lonely.

Martyn: I think lonely is what we're going for.

Martyn: like a lonely alliance.

Pearl: how many people do you have to be friends with until you're considered not lonely?

Martyn: idk

Martyn: more then we do.

Pearl: :(

Pearl: I don't wanna be lonely

Pearl: can we make our brand something cool?

Pearl: like revenge?

Martyn: I like that idea way more actually.

Ren: I agree, our motto shall be retribution against those who have wronged us!

Martyn: oh yeah that's so much cooler then losers club.

Ren: Losers club was what I thought we were originally going for.

Ren: However this is probably better in terms of branding.

Pearl: Yeah!

Pearl: We're friends, so we aren't lonely :D

Martyn: We're all just lonely as a trio.

Pearl: Why can't we just be friends :(

Pearl: Why do we have to be sad and lonely D:

Martyn: I never said anything about us not being friends

Martyn: We're just a lonely group of friends 

Pearl: Yay!

Ren: Friendship is also very cool

Ren: However it will not be apart of our outward brand because it unfortunately does not strike fear into the hearts of many.

Martyn: I don't think pet the dog does either tbh

Ren: dogs are menacing though.

Martyn: I guess I'll take your word for it.

Ren: but we can't say something menacing towards them.

Pearl: that is fair.

Pearl: If anyone says anything menacing towards Tilly I'll get them.

Pearl: Martyn I am so sorry in advance.

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