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I stepped down from my car as the car stopped at the airport. We have to go to Poland today as the previous mafia boss ruling there died a few days back. 

And now the whole empire is under his son Antonio. He invited us for the party he threw to celebrate his rule.

I looked at Andrew through my black shade of Goggles who rolled his eyes at me making me feel guilty, he hates me the most since i left her.

"Why are you wearing goggles at this time?"Whispered Domenico as he stood beside me...what should I tell him now?

My eyes are red because of crying and I drank the whole night.Of course not u can't say that.

"My choice"I said coldly and headed towards the aircraft.

Resting on one of the chairs, I pulled off my goggles after making sure that Domenico sat at the seats behind me.

Along with her I lost my friends too...they hate me.For leaving her like that, they think of me as a cheater.

I rubbed my eyes with my fingers due to the pain which I am having right now. It's burning.

"Sir…. coffee?"I raised my vision towards the attendant standing in front of me.Holding a cup and on her face played a flirtatious smile.I rolled my eyes at her as she bent more making her assets more visible.

"Don't you know how to stand!"I snarled at her, whose face fell as she saw the red eyes due to crying plus the anger on his face.

"I don't need it,'' I added looking at the coffee cup she was holding.

"Ok sir"she stammered with a nod.

With Shivering hands she kept the cup back in the trolley and moved further.

As she left I sighed, leaning against the chair closing my eyes, while tears made their way down my eyes as the flashback came in front of me.


"Is everything ready?"Kartik asked Domenico as he walked down the stairs who sighed and nodded.

"Is it important Kartik….why are you doing this?"he added on which he rolled his eyes.

"I haven't asked you for your just shut up"he nodded looking down.

"Now go and bring the car……"he added, making him look at Kartik.

"Now…."he frowned,Kartik nodded.

"Won't you wait for Naira to at least wake….."

"I know what I have to bring the fucking car….."Kartik snarled,Domenico nodded and left.

While Kartik rubbed his eyes in frustration as Domenico left.

As the elevator opened with the ping sound,it gained Kartik's attention, making him look towards it from where an old couple Walked the same couple who smiled at him that day, he smiled at them weakly who didn't see him,he sighed looking down at the floor.

"Kartikk"he looked towards the stairs only to find Naira descending the stairs, her hair was messy ,eyes swollen due to crying and lips quivering.

"Shit"he cursed as he saw her and hid behind the nearby pillar.

Naira looked around,her eyes searching for him 

"Have...have you seen Kartik?"Naira asked the person standing nearby who shook his head.

"Have you seen Kartik?"she asked each and every person present there who denied

"Have you seen Kartik?"Naira asked with hope to the receptionist who looked towards Kartik who was peeking from behind the pillar, looking at Naira with a painful expression, he shook his head as he saw her staring at him.

"'am"she stammered making Naira sob, she walked towards the garden while Kartik sighed in relief.

"Kartik the car….."Domenico walked in

"Let's go"he said, wearing his goggles hiding the tears brimming eyes.

And walked towards the exit while everyone stared at him.

Opening the car door Kartik sat in while on otherside Domenico sat.

"Kartik"his hands fisted as he heard Naira, maybe she saw him.

She rushed towards the car excitedly.

"Let's go"Kartik said coldly without looking towards Naira.

"Kartik"Naira shouted running behind the car as it started.

Kartik closed his eyes, biting his fist as he heard her shouts calling for his name.

"Speed up the car"he growled at the driver.

"Karti…."Naira stumbled on the path making her fall while the car disappeared in the distance.

"Kartik"she shouted at the top of her voice, while Kartik closed his eyes leaning against the window.

"Kartik"she shouted at the top of her voice, while Kartik closed his eyes leaning against the window

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Kaira:Devil's Sacrificed Love(Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now