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I pulled her with me, outside the hall while the crowd stared at us, she was wriggling continuously in my grip hitting my hand wanting my grip on her to loosen but the result inverted as it tightened along with my jaw, my fury increased as the ima...

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I pulled her with me, outside the hall while the crowd stared at us, she was wriggling continuously in my grip hitting my hand wanting my grip on her to loosen but the result inverted as it tightened along with my jaw, my fury increased as the image of her sometime back flashed before me.

As we walked into the lawn of the mansion I left her hand and turned towards her who was rubbing her by-now-red wrist.

"What's your fucking problem"she shouted at me, finding me glaring at her.

If she wasn't the woman I loved she would have died by now for testing my patience to such an extent.

"What's my problem?...what's your problem!!!"I almost shouted at her and ran a hand through my hairs, while a frown formed on my face.

"What?"she snapped.

"What the fuck were you doing inside"I said trying not to get an emotional breakdown, controlling myself from crying, my voice was shivering but still I tried to act the same ruthless person I am.

If someone that could change a person is "Love"

The stone can turn into a moon, the acid can change into rose water, that's how much power love has, don't think it makes you immortal , it makes you weak, helpless and broken. The behaviour of the person you love towards you and others matters, and you can't stop loving them no matter how much you try.

"What were you doing on that asshole's lap?"I asked in a low voice filled with disgust and pain for what I saw her doing."

"I was just doing my job."she rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms before her.

"Why, does it affect you ?''she mocked with a chuckle.

"You shouldn't be doing this-"

"for fuck sake I didn't asked for your permission or opinion Mr Malhotra this is my fucking job."she shouted with anger splashing all in her eyes, her chest heave up and down as she breathedheavily.She walked towards me with slow steps breathing heavily.

"This is my fucking job to serve myself and earn-"she said each word loud and clear.

"I don't care about how you earn but you won't do this work, you are not a whor-"

"Oh yes I am"she said with a sly smirk on her face as looked into my eyes standing on her tiptoes to close to me, my breathing raced as I watched her so closely after so long her cleavage was visible, I could see those twins in her dress, which made me itch to tug her dress up and take them between my lips,

"You won't"I said with shallow breathing , my hands curled into a fist, the desires were increasing every minute.

"Try me"she said inching closer to me and wrapping her arms around my neck and licked my lip lightly, my body stiffened as she traced her nose on my jaw and stopped at my ear, I could feel her hot breathers as I stood clenching my jaw, and fisting my hand with closed eyes, I felt her tongue on my earlobe as she licked it, I am gonna count till three if she won't move back then am sorry for whatever is gonna happen after that.


She stepped back with a smug look as she eyed me from up to down and turned with a smirk, I left a relieved sigh as I saw her walking out back into the party, squeezing my eyes with my two fingers I left out a groan as I felt my member hardened.


The crowd parted as I walked into the swinger club, with a scowl on my face,it was few minutes back when one of my men (whom I asked to spy on Naira)that she works in a sex club and he saw her coming here, I stood at the mid of the club near the stage searching for him, I could feel some eyes on me and here the muffled whiperes but choosing the option to ignore them I looked around when my eyes fell on the guy who gestured me towards the stage, my eyes travelled to the stage there were pole dancers under the red spotlight showing the most seduching and sluttly dance, the face wasn't much so I walked closer and as my eyes fell on her , who was one among them, who wore a black lingerie which was of technically no use coz already her body parts were visible.

I stared at her not taking my eyes off her , my jaw clenched and hand fisted as I saw everyone ogle at her and look at her with lusty eyes.

As her eyes fell on me she smiled slyly and climbed down the pole.

She walked towards me with a seducing walk, the lights went dimmer as the music changed .

While she walked towards me and snaked her hand from my chest to my neck as she licked my neck while her other hand moved towards my manhood. I stepped back feeling my member getting tight and looked at her with disgust who swayed at the music like other shameless sluts.

"You were never like this"I whispered , totally in shock of how much she has changed.

She walked closer with the same smile "People change Mr Malhotra ''she said, planting a kiss on my neck and stepped back, winking at me as she walked back to the stage.

I kept an eye on her till I was present there , to be honest I wanted to rip every heart out who was eyeing at her with lust in their eyes, it was then when another slut walked towards me trying to seduce me whom I pushed thrice but she was so high to understand that.

I stood up from the place I occupied and wandered my eyes around as I realised I had lost sight of her.

I searched for her here and there and inquired about her too. When someone said she went towards the restroom, I sighed in relief as I walked towards it. I need to check on her.

My steps ame to a halt as I heard the moans and groans, I peeped into the corridor.

It was her!

Kaira:Devil's Sacrificed Love(Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now