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"Then why did you left me"her cold voice echoed around, i broke the hug and looked at her too stunned to react, i can't explain that dumb reason to her…

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"Then why did you left me"
her cold voice echoed around, i broke the hug and looked at her too stunned to react, i can't explain that dumb reason to her…..

She pushed her up my lap and stared at me, "is it coz i was too clingy for you …right?... that's what you said", my head snapped back at her, as my mind went to the past.

1 months after he left her

"Sir there is someone to see you"the guard said to Kartik who was talking to Domenico.

"Who is it?"Kartik frowned.

"Don't know some lady"the guard said, Kartik looked at him, his lips pressed into a thin line.

Please don't be true

His mind wished what he just thought shouldn't be true!!!!

He walked towards the door monitor and closed his eyes in dissatisfaction.

It was her!!!

Outside his mansion!!!

Waiting for him!!!!

"Say he is not in here"Kartik said and walked upstairs without sparing a glance at anyone around.

"Please let me go in….i know him…"Naira begged the guard.

Her chin wobbled as he didn't care to listen to her.

"He is not inside"the other guard who just walked there said,

"You can leave!!!!"


"I won't"

"I saw him inside …you all are lying …am not gonna go without talking to him"Naira said, stubbornly.

"Ma'am please -"

Naira ignored the guard as she sat on the opposite side of the road, her eyes fixed on the mansion.

Kartik stares at her day and night from the window of his room,wanting her to leave, his heart pains every time he sees her, he wants to go and hug her , but he can't…..

He asks the servants to convince to leave her, even Domenico tries to convince her but she is too stubborn for it!!!!!

It's been two days since she is waiting for him…. without eating properly.

It's gonna rain today, as the black clouds are all around the sky.

Ready to rain anytime.

"What's your problem!!!!"Naira looks up at the figure Standing before her. a smile formed on her lips as she saw him.


"What"he shouted making her shiver she just stared at him.

"Why …you left me there…with that cheq-"

"Naira for fuck sake stop making a scene in here and out of my permisis right now!!!!"he raised his voice with every word…. breaking her apart ..she was on the verge of crying. She hugged herself, closing her eyes, scared!!!!!

Kartik sighed in sadness as he saw her in such a vulnerable state which no lover deserves to see…his lover in a messy state, dirty clothes ..messy hairs…dark circles under her eyes….and scared!!! OF HIM

But to keep her safe he has to be a Devil ….the devil needs to sacrifice his love….to save her….she almost died. His enemies, if they know that he has a weakness now, every fucking one will go after her!!! To break him!!!

He already lost his kid, he can't afford to lose her, she will be away from him!!! But safe at least?

"Naira please go-"Kartik said placing his hand on the small of her back and making her look at him

"Kartik but you said you loved me and you will never leave me"as Naira realised he is her Kartik with those love filled caring eyes, she cupped his face crying, asking about his promise to not leave her ever!!!!!!

"That was all fake!!!"Gulping the lump formed in his throat Kartik said,

"It was just an infatuation, i got attracted to your body maybe…"keeping a stone on his heart, he was talking to her, piercing her heart with his words and killing himself too.

"And you are too clingy to handle anymore so i can't…."Kartik said, stepping back, his eyes covered the pain with emotionless sheer as his lips pressed into a thin line!!!!

And he turned back, leaving her behind, who was too stunned to speak, she was still hugging herself staring at his disappearing figure.

And he turned back, leaving her behind, who was too stunned to speak, she was still hugging herself staring at his disappearing figure

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Kaira:Devil's Sacrificed Love(Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now