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Noon 12p.m.

The sun rays fell on Naira through the window making her stir in sleep, the phone ring disturbed her sleep as she sat on the bed annoyed, she looked towards her phone on the side table with half opened eyes, palming her eyes and rubbing it to shoo away the sleep she picked up the phone without sparing a glance at the caller id.

"........"She sat on the bed straight, and all her sleep went away and a serious look formed on her face.

"Yeah don't worry I'm on it "she said, and soon the call hung up.

She stared at the phone screen for a few seconds, her expressions hardened, anger filled in her eyes, and jaw clenched.

Throwing the phone on the bed,she pushed herself up, and walked towards the washroom


Naira walked into the corridors, scrolling through her phone and humming some song, she wore a black crop top with denim shorts and her hairs tied into a high ponytail, earphones stuffed into her ears, as she made her way searching for Kartik, who was nowhere to be seen since she woke.

"Nia"the soft familiar voice gained her attention , making her look away from the phone to the person standing in front of her.


She stood there with a file in her hand and phone near her ear.

"Will call you back later Domenico"she said and disconnected the call, Naira stared at her from up to down who wore a white shirt with black jeans and her hairs braided, but out off all this the main thing which gained her attention was the engagement ring she had on her finger.

"Adriano told me you are here...sorry I didn't come to see you yesterday...but how are you?"she chirped excitedly and a grin formed on her face.

"None of your business"Naira said curtly, making Natasha frown,rolling her eyes. Naira walked past her, stuffing her phone in her pocket, while the music played in her earphones.

"WHERE IS MR. MALHOTRA" Naira asked the servant, picking up an apple from the basket as she walked into the kitchen.

"He is in the study"

"Study,"she said, frowning.

"How boring!"she rolled her eyes, biting the apple.

Kartik's pov:

I had to look into the mafia business that Antonio handled all this long, to be honest, I really didn't wanted to leave watching her sleep and coming here downstairs for this stupid work, but I had no option left other than that, I had to look over the details collected by Nick, about the dealers here. So that I could bribe them and team up with us.

I took another sip from the neat drink I had in my glass, as I read the documents.

When the study door opened, gaining my attention , I raised my vision towards the door where she stood , leaning against the doorframe, munching the apple.

As our eyes locked shiver ran down my spine, some fire formed on me as I saw her, the buried feelings for her was getting back each day even more, disappointment crashed into me as I realised she is not that Naira whom I watched whole night, who brightened my morning, this Naira I realised is nothing but a fake version of herself from which she is hiding her old self, extra fake , bitchy . This is just to hide the angel she has in her, her eyes covered with emotionless curtains, saying nothing but how fake she is.

She walked towards me throwing the leftover, and slammed her hand on the table, as she stared at me with a smug look.

"What's up Mr Malhotra"she scoffed.

Making my chain of thoughts break, I leaned back on my chair crossing my hands over my chest.

"What brings you here?"I asked with a tight lipped smile.

She bit her lip as she looked at me from up to down, horny bitch!

"I just wanted some fun"she smirked, slipping off her white net shrug and throwing it on the nearby chair as she leaned more on the table, giving a clear view of her cleavage.

"for what you are paying me"she added.

I took a deep breath as a smirk form on my lips, "I am sorry but I don't have time for that right now"I said, picking up the pen from the table .

"You may leave now"I said, pointing it towards her and moving my eyes back on the documents, highlighting the points I needed to.

"Fine"I looked to my left where she stood,something mischievous played on her eyes as I stared at those dark brown orbs.I nodded.

"don't blame me are the only one giving me a leave"she said, a frown formed on my face, as she smirked.

"What am I gonna blame you for?"I scoffed, taking my attention back to the papers I had in my hand.

"For going back to my work"the grip on the pen and paper in my hand tightened as I snapped my head towards her.

"What work"I gritted, hoping she didn't mean that, if yes then why!!!!!

"Aishh you know that well"she scoffed normally.

That's it!!!!!!

I slammed the pen and paper on the table , and pushed myself up on my feet...towering her and scowling at her I gritted "and why you wanna work now....when am paying you a good amount"

"First thing it's my work not coz I need money, I enjoy it" I took a deep breath as these words escaped her mouth, my nails digging into my skin as I was staring at her,my anger building each passing second seeing how she stood before me, shamelessly.

"I don't care if you enjoy it or whatever, you are not allowed to leave this mansion....."

"And who are you to tell me this?"a frown formed on my face.

"I am not you sex slave Mr. Malhotra...that contract had ended, and the new one's not mentioned there that I will do everything with your not your wife..not your submissive or serving you that doesn't means you own me....coz you don't"tears filled in my eyes as guilt filled in my heart, when she reminded how I treated her when I first met her, the nails dugged more and my fury took over me as I found myself gritting my teeth , and my body shaking lightly.

"I am-"her gasp hadn't left her throat before I spun her around and bent her over the table, pinning one hand on the table beside her, while the other hand behind her back.

My cock pressed against her ass, as a moan left her mouth.

I felt disgusted, once I loved such slutty girls, who threw themselves on me, but not now, after falling for her, it was always her, who was everything but never this slutty, who will ignite fire and pain in me just for fun, right now all I wanted to vent off my frustration, the anger building in me, eating me!!!!

There is something I need to do about it, so the only option left with me was to give her what she wanted, she wanted to get fucked ok!!! If that's what she wants.

"Now be a good slut that you are and open your shorts ..without moving "I whispered darkly in her ears

without moving "I whispered darkly in her ears

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Kaira:Devil's Sacrificed Love(Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now