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I knocked on Naira's door and leaned against the door, waiting for her to open it

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I knocked on Naira's door and leaned against the door, waiting for her to open it.

My head is buzzing, and my vision is blurred as I stumble on my feet. I realised I was drunk by now.

"Open the door kitten"I whispered against the door, tears flowed down my eyes remembering the scenes from 8 hours back.

And knocked the door again harder this time, pressing my hand on the door's knob.

It opened!

My eyes fell on her, and a sigh of relief left my mouth, as my heart got peace and warmth seeing her once again, the burning sensation in my heart since I talked with Samuel vanished.

She was sitting on the bed with headphones connected to her ears which was probably the reason she couldn't hear me. And a book in her hand, and she was eating cherries.

I stared at her for like a decade, watching her put those cherries in her mouth, send shivers down my spine, as my lips craved to replace them. She is too beautiful to be a human.

She looked at me, with another cherry in her hand. And she stared into me, while I stared back without a blink.

She pulled off the headphones and kept the book aside and kept the last cherry in her mouth.

"You are ba-"her words couldn't escape her mouth, when i marched towards her, smashing my lips on her, tasting the cherry and its sweetness, i don't know about the cherry but her lips are the sweetest thing i ever tasted.

My both hands cupped her face while I deepened the kiss. The only thing I want is love, to show her I still love her, from this kiss. I sat on my knees and pulled her on my lap, sucking her lower lip , then upper lip while my tongue mingled in her mouth.

Breaking the kiss , I looked at her who was panting heavily, she was confused!

I closed my eyes as i joined my forehead with her, breathing heavily, feeling this beautiful moment, this beautiful feeling, i wanted to stay like this forever, never wanted to go out in the world, just stay in her arms, just like a son's dream to stay in mother's arms. She gave me the warmth of my dead mother, no lady ever entered my life…who reminded me of my mother but she did!!!!

"Please don't leave me!!!!!"I breathed against her face, her breaths fanning my face.

"Please"I whispered, pressing the word.

"You are my addiction….a fucking addiction" i said pulling away from her, my hand still on her cheeks, as i stared at her.

Who had some pain in her eyes, but that was hidden behind a thin curtain of i-don't-feel-anything.

"All these months without you…it was hell for me"i said as i hugged her,

"Mentally and physically you already made me addicted, I craved for you every minute, I wanted you by my side, I couldn't sleep the whole night remembering you….i missed you…..i lo-"

"Then why did you left me"

"Then why did you left me"

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Kaira:Devil's Sacrificed Love(Completed✅)Where stories live. Discover now