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"I FUCKING HATE YOU "her words played on loop in my mind as I stepped into the hotel suite, my hands clenched in anger as I recall those moments closing my eyes, my body stiffened and breathing became hard.

As she walked out that time, I stared at her leaving; she was no more the girl I once met, loved. She was a different girl with the same face, from her hairstyle to her dressing sense and her personality; everything had changed in just one year.

I marched out of the room as soon as my chain of thoughts broke by the thunder. It's going to rain!!!!!

I looked around in the hall filled with the crowd while I descended the stairs, who stared at me as if a wolf came alive in front of them and was going to attack them, scared!!!!!

I would have enjoyed watching the terror wiped across their face but right now my eyes were searching for someone.

"She left "I looked at Adriano who was standing next to the staircase, his expression screamed disgust and hate, for me of course.

Taking his eyes off him I looked at the crowd once again and frustration wiped across me, fisting my hands I marched out of the hall, ignoring the calls of Domenico, who wanted me to handle the crowd as I killed their boss.

With my hands curled around the steering and jaw clenched I stared at the darkness in front of me, while her words rang in my mind, Now you are happy right ?you successfully destroyed her !!!!my subconscious mocked making the grip stronger, my knuckles turning white and a vein throbbed at my temple as I recall the moments again and again. I wanted to destroy the world, destroy myself and everything except her, it's all me! My fault is that neither I ever came into her life nor she would have....I took a deep breath, my eyes turning red and my breathing was getting shallow. "Kartik  where are you going "Domenico panted, from the window bringing me out of my thoughts, I looked at him.

"At least help us to calm them down, you already killed their boss...."


"But Kartik -"

"Just fuck off "I growled starting the car and drove off onto the roads while the sky thundered for another time and the rain poured.

Palming my face with my both head I took a deep breath, what the fuck I became!!!!!!!! Why am I so hurt!

When I managed to bear the pain on a daily basis why she had to come back into my life.


Tears filled in my eyes as my mind recalled those moments again. Why can't I just stop thinking about it!!!


I don't want to think about whatever happened today.

Why can't I just erase those memories from my mind, why can't I be the same emotionless beast as I was, why it hurts seeing her-after so long-in someone else's arms- fully changed- seeing her hate me!!!!!!!!!!!

I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes in defeat and am doing it again!!!


Slamming my hand against the vase kept on the coffee table I knocked it down and kicked the table, screaming!!!!

Within seconds the room was completely destroyed with glass pieces all over furniture broken and me on my knees my eyes red and wet and hairs messy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! "I screamed again, taking out all the pain I had in me sometimes keeping the pain all in hurts more, tilting my head down with the last whimper I left my body loose and stared at the ceiling now caring about my hand which fell on the glass, it hurts but not more than the pain my heart has.

"Please don't hate me "I hugged my knees crying as I recalled when she said 'I fucking hate you'.


"Yeah don't worry Mr Cassano you will be the only dealer we are gonna deal with"I said softly as I talked with the weapon dealer. It's been two days since that day since I locked myself into that suite. It was Domenico who traced me and showed up directly in my room while I was sitting near the window staring outside.

He told me how they handled everything and now they are throwing a party to let the people know who is the official don of Poland.

I passed a nod to the dealer excusing myself and took another sip from the drink I had in my hand. I hate these things now. I already told Domenico to host the party himself but he forced me to get introduced properly plus he added it's Samuel's order so I had no option left to attend this party.

My eyes wandered around to look for Domenico, I wanted to punch his face right now, that's how frustrated I am right now!!!!

My grip on the glasses tightened as my eyes fell at the corner of the room where I spotted her again!!!! Sitting on a men's lap who was way too older than her, of her father's age and he was smooching neck , collarbone and shoulder she wore a golden Retrofete mich dress with her lips painted red and short haired curled and dyed blonde.

The grip on the glass in my hand tightened as I saw that pervert oldie who was gonna die anytime soon ,pulling the strap of her dress and smooching and licking her skin. That's enough the glass shattered into pieces in my hand and I marched towards them.

What I noticed this time was her breast size , which is now quite large and heavy. I looked away angrily, clenching my jaw and curling my hand into a fist realising what could be the reason for this. Don't know how many men in this one she fucked with.

I yanked her away from the oldie as soon as I reached them.


And look at Naira who was wriggling in my grip, she scowled back at me as she saw me scowling at her.

Shaking my head in disbelief, annoyed, I pulled her with me outside the hall.

hope you liked the update 😋

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