34. Sean

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The medical office in town could be described in two words. Abandoned and lacking. He could understand why they would run out of medical supplies, but it baffled him why no one had thought to stock up. Even if an emergency did happen, Sean wasn't sure he'd be able to help in an experienced doctor capacity.

Not without the supplies he needed.

Which was why he was sitting behind the wheel, with Luke and Victor in the car with him, on the way to root through medical offices elsewhere.

They'd already hit two offices in the town over, and a pediatric hospital, but he still wasn't satisfied. It was a scary thought that he couldn't take one trip and decide he had enough supplies, but on the other hand, it made him happy that people at the end of the world still had a brain, and that gathering medical stuff was more important than rooting stores for booze and cigarettes.

As he pulled up to a local hospital two towns over, Sean noticed how the mood in the car seemed dim compared to what he'd expect with Luke in the car. It had been like that for days now.

"Okay, fess up. I've been dealing with both of you sulking all day. What's going on?"

Luke straightened and met his eyes through the rearview mirror. "It's nothing."

"I'm fine as well," Victor said as his fingers danced across the armrest of the passenger door.

"I'd believe you two if it weren't for the fact that Luke hasn't brought up his and Marc's new bakery shop even once the whole ride," Sean said, ignoring Luke's kicked puppy look. "Aaand, you, Victor, haven't said anything about your radio project that you and Corey have been working on for, like, forever."

Victor paused in his invisible piano playing. "I'm fine," he repeated.

"Me too," Luke chirped and gazed out the window.

"Well cheer up, the both of you. I didn't pick you two to come with me because you're known for being sulky. If that was the case I would've brought North and Brandon."

"Fine," Luke grumbled.

Sean clenched his teeth. "If I hear the word fine one more time-"

"Maybe we should talk about why you're so irritable," Victor interjected helpfully.

"I am not-!" Sean inhaled an annoyed breath through his nostrils. "You know what?! Fine!"

"Hey! If we can't say it, neither can you," Luke added with a stupid little smirk. At least there was some type of positive emotion, even if it was at Sean's own sake.

Sean swung the car into the parking lot and scrambled to get out, slamming the door. In a flurry of movement, he went to stomp away, but he was tugged back with a harsh jerk at his collar. The material of his jacket dug into his windpipe painfully. "Ack-!"

"Your jacket is stuck in the door," Victor, again, pointed out helpfully.

Luke was busy howling in laughter, and Sean felt like he was ready to burst a blood vessel. He could literally feel his temple throb with the force of his anger. "I did not raise you to be like this! Just wait until I tell Owen when we get home. You two will be in for the lecture of a lifetime!"

Luke snorted, holding his stomach because he was laughing so hard. "Yes, mom."

"Sorry, mom," Victor added with a smirk.

"We'll do better, mom."

"It won't happen again, mom."

Gathering what little dignity he had left, Sean released his jacket from the door and stomped off to the hospital doors. All he wanted was to cheer them up, but nooo, it had to be at his expense and now he's the one who wanted to sulk. Life just wasn't fair. He was Sean Green for God's sake. An amazing, handsome doctor. What had he done to deserve this...this ridiculous behavior from his own brothers?

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