2. Silas

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Silas stretched his legs in front of him with a satisfied groan. His back popped in multiple places, relieving the ache that settled from driving for so long.

He thanked the gods that gasoline was still reliable, even if that wouldn't last for much longer.

It's a good thing that they decided to find somewhere to settle while they still had means of transportation, even if North and Brandon were able to find an alternative to gasoline. It would just take a lot of work to cover all of them.

The travel from the east coast to the west was a pain, but his brothers were able to enjoy the scenery they've never seen before. It didn't take long for them to notice that the wildlife got more plenty the farther they traveled. It would be useful to remember that when they had to go hunting for food.

Silas was just looking forward to being able to smell the salt in the air again. He missed the ocean. When he first moved to to Charleston, he was able to get to the ocean quickly, even if it had nothing on the oceans on the coast of his first home.

Two bodies plopped down next to him, making him cut off his daydreaming. Short red hair and longer soft brown hair told him it was Nathan and Victor. Silas smiled in greeting, his body relaxing into a slouch.

Nathan groaned and sprawled out over the grass. The breeze provided much needed relief from the sun's heat. "Please tell us we can ride with you. I can't handle another minute in the car with Gabe and Luke."

"Ah. That bad, huh?" Silas chuckled, he could only imagine what antics those two knuckleheads were up to.

"You have no idea," Victor's melodic voice responded. "I wouldn't mind listening to your rock music the whole way if it meant getting away from them for a while."

Silas smirked. "That's a heavy burden to bear Mr. Classical. Are you ready to make that sacrifice?"

"No price is too high at this point," Victor voiced with exasperation, throwing his hands up carelessly.

"I thought we were supposed to be rotating anyways." Nathan stated with confusion. "Peanut was supposed to ride with us the last time we stopped, but one look from North and she jumped back into the RV with Sean and Mr. B like her ass was on fire."

Silas tensed at the mention of Sang, but forced himself to relax his body so his brothers wouldn't notice.

After stony silence and lectures from North during the car ride, he knew he had to fess up to his brothers. He wanted to wait until they got to New Haven, but it was probably time to tell everyone.

Sang had begged and pleaded with him to say nothing, but he doesn't lie to his brothers. It just took a long lecture from his best friend to remind him of that fact.

One look into her watery green eyes and he wanted to protect her, but he couldn't do it. Not at the expense of losing his brothers.

All of them had to deal with the consequences when they messed up and she knew that. She just wasn't prepared for the backlash her actions would cause.

It all boiled down to trust and she ruined that.

"What's going on, Silas?" Victor asked quietly, sensing something was wrong. "North can hardly look at Sang and you're doing no better. Not to mention the fight you had with North the other night."

After realizing Silas was keeping his silence, Nathan scrubbed his face in frustration and blew out an annoyed breath. "We gotta know what's happening here, man. Whenever we fight with Sang, there's always a reconciliation, and I'm not seeing anything of that sort."

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