8. Axel

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Axel made his way up to his room to get some quiet reading time. As soon as the boys got back from helping their neighbor, he knew he wouldn't get any quiet time to himself. It was hard to find alone time in a house full of so many people.

He was able to get his bedroom arranged the way he wanted it, which was surprising considering they had only been in New Haven for two days. It took a while for them to wash all the blankets and sheets since they were covered in dust. Plus, Axel didn't want to sleep with blankets he never knew who touched.

He wouldn't use the old owner's pillows to sleep with, so he brought in his favorite ones that he packed.

Gabriel was working overtime to get them settled in, no matter if they decided to stay or not.

If he closed his eyes long enough, he could almost picture himself in his old room in Sergeant Jasper. The only thing missing was his old aquarium tank filled with bioluminescence creatures.

If there was one thing he missed the most post-virus, it was the aquarium and ocean life. There weren't many options that he could study when all the creatures died because of the lack of care. He had to remind himself that he couldn't save all of them.

It took him years to feel like himself again, and he still struggled with minor depression. The virus took a lot of things and people from them, so he was sure it was natural for all of them to be stuck in a state of constant grief.

It was a blessing that his team survived, even if they lost Kevin along the way. The burden was almost too much to bear. How could he save people from something that was impossible to fight against?

Axel sighed and pushed the thoughts away, knowing it would do him no good. He opened his book and studied the pages. It would be useful to know what kind of fish lived in the lake.

It was likely that it used to be stocked with trout by fish and game workers before the virus. He wondered how many of the fish survived and breeded. He'd have to ask their neighbor later if he ended up going to the party.

North mentioned that Addie called it the Boozy Bonfire Night, so he imagined there would be a lot of alcohol involved.

Not many of them in their group drank very much, only having a drink every now and then, but never to the point of over intoxication. He was hoping to keep it that way. Once someone experienced the desired escape from alcohol, it was hard to turn back.

North knew from past experiences drinking away his problems.

It would probably be best if they went out and associated with the locals, as it wouldn't be good if they were viewed as stuck up people who refused to involve themselves with the other survivors. They needed their trust.

His musings got cut short by his door opening. Kayli stepped through and locked the door behind her.

Axel heaved a sigh and set his book aside. He knew what was coming.

Kayli crossed her arms over her chest and leaned up against the door. "I don't want you guys going to that party."

"And why is that exactly?" Axel raised his brow. He wanted to say that he couldn't believe she'd suggest they not go, but he'd be lying to himself. "You know we need to show the locals that we're not afraid to meet them."

She huffed and walked over to his side. Sitting on the bed, she crossed her legs and leaned over to see what he was reading. "I know, but that girl next door only invited us for her own ulterior motives."

Axel was already bored with the oncoming argument. "What makes you think that?"

She scrunched her nose in a move he used to think was charming. "Her and her friends are bad news. You didn't see the way she looked at you guys. Her friends were pretty much panting over Jessica too."

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