4. Marc

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The last thing he expected when they pulled into the tiny town of New Haven, Washington was the cattle gate barring entry from anyone in a vehicle.

Marc knew that they could walk on foot, but according to the road signs, it would be a mile walk, and they packed a lot of shit.

While he had to remind himself that they were only here to check on Dr. Roberts family, he couldn't help but admit that he had high hopes. It was a mutual decision, but he hoped they could build a life here.

The scenery was beautiful, the evergreen trees towered over the pavement roads creating a picture perfect image. The air felt clean when he breathed it in, and the mountains they passed through were awe inspiring.

Marc would bet that Gabriel's artistic fingers were begging to paint everything he'd seen so far.

Gabriel was subdued for most of the ride, not even perking up at the possibility of survivors, but he grew more and more receptive the further they got into Washington.

Oddly enough, Kayli seemed to light up as well.

It was comforting to see positive emotion from her. Maybe he hadn't lost his Bambi quite yet.

"What do we do now?" Jessica questioned her older brother, who was standing next to Marc.

Marc waited for Kota to answer. He wanted to know as well, because he wasn't seeing any options besides walking.

Kota's emerald green eyes observed their surroundings with contemplation. Even if he was still struggling with his loss of Sang, he wouldn't let it get in the way of his job.

"Perhaps we should try notifying our presence by honking our horns?" Kota asked dubiously. "If no one comes, we'll travel by foot."

Marc eyed the trespassing signs with wariness.

No Trespassing

We're tired of hiding the bodies


Trespassers will be used for science experiments

No Trespassing

Guns don't kill people, we kill people

Luke chuckled nervously. "Y'know, maybe we should just turn back around."

Both Marc and Gabriel nodded vigorously in agreement. Jessica scoffed at them for being a bunch of wimps (her words exactly), which caused a big scolding from Kota. Marc blamed them for not noticing Raven getting behind the wheel.

With no warning, Raven honked loudly, put the car into gear, and rammed his black SUV straight through the gate. He smiled victoriously at everyone who stood there gaping at him.

"Bongo," he cheered while firing warning shots up into the sky with his arm hanging out the window, pistol gripped in his left hand tightly. Bang, Bang, Bang.

Marc just couldn't deal with this. He looked over at Corey, about to tell him to deal with his crazy significant other, but the sun kissed blonde hardly looked surprised.

"I think you meant bingo, but I'm not even sure right now." Corey corrected the Russian. "That doesn't seem to fit this situation either."

Raven looked at everyone expectantly. "It's all the same, da? Good, right?"

Owen and Axel pinched the bridges of their noses simultaneously. "Not even close, Raven."

From where Marc was slouched against his car, he could practically feel North's temper boiling over. It looked like they were going to have to deal with another pissing match between the two hotheads.

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