6. Addie

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Addie woke up the next day in a grumpy mood. It all started when her and Lawson were jostled from their sleep by Tyler and Simon jumping on them.

Addie rubbed her eyes, and yawned big enough to make her ears pop. "These motherfuckers better run."

"Hmph," Laws murmured indecipherablely, trying to go back to sleep, but Addie pushed him off the bed. He landed on the floor with a grunt of pain, taking Simon with him.

When Addie stood up from her comfy bed, she noticed a huge spot of drool on her shirt from where Lawson had used her stomach as a pillow. She kicked the offending friend while he was down and then lunged for Tyler.

Addie grabbed his head and shoved it down on Lawson's drool, making him cry out in disgust. "Victory is sweet!" she shouted in triumph, her voice hoarse from sleep. "That's what you get when you mess with me, Tyler!"

"Wakey, wakey," Simon sung from the ground next to Laws. Lawson punted him like a football and promptly crawled back onto the bed. "Yeee-ouch! Good to see you too."

"What the hell are you guys doing sleeping in so late?" Tyler asked after he wiped Lawson's drool off his face. His black hair clung to his forhead.

"Addie made me chop wood with her all night," Lawson whined childishly. "I'm sore in places I never knew existed."

"That sounds dirty," Simon chimed into the conversation. "Why does that sound so dirty?"

Addie scoffed before smacking him over the head with a pillow, knocking his glasses off and ruffling his blonde locks. "You're such a perv. Control your boyfriend, Tyler."

They all bickered back and forth for a while. It was common to witness them all acting like children when they were together. It came with the territory when you were childhood friends.

While Laws and Addie stuck together like glue, Tyler Winters and Simon Blake were the same. They didn't start their relationship until after the virus hit.

They all tried to ignore the empty feeling they got when they noticed there was one voice missing from their banter. Addie rubbed at her chest, hoping to relieve the ache.

Addie clucked her tongue and shoved the grief away. "While you guys were on your romantic camping trip up on the mountain, we got a bunch of new greenies."

"Oh, you mean the huge ass group made of male models and cute girls that moved in next door?" Simon asked with a raised brow, not missing the glare Tyler sent him. "Don't look at me like that! I saw you checking them out too!"

Tyler scoffed and crossed his massive arms, but he didn't deny it. Seriously, the guy was a health nut who lifted weights every day. His arms were like tree trunks. "We already met them earlier this morning while you guys were wasting away in here. All of em' seemed like good people."

"Except the raven haired girl, she seemed to shoot lasers out of her eyes," Simon mentioned with wide eyes. They all nodded in agreement. "The blonde one - Sang I think she said her name was - was nice enough, but she was super quiet."

Tyler smirked in amusement. "Jessica is a little fire cracker. Cute too."

Addie didn't miss the way Lawson perked up when he heard her name. "You guys talked to her?"

"Yep," Simon smiled smugly. "Her older brother didn't like that much, though. She told him off when he tried to shoo her away from us."

"'I'm nineteen years old, you can't tell me what to do anymore!'" Tyler mimicked in a high voice, then laughed. "The dude looked like he got slapped in the face with a fish."

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