11. Addie

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As soon as they were done stocking up on medicine, Addie led them to a book store after Kota requested.

Addie wasn't much of a reader unless one counted the trashy romance novels with male models on the covers. It made her feel a little self conscious, because all of the men seemed to be so smart and cultured.

In school, Addie was an average student at best. She was nothing special. She could have been if she applied herself, but her and her friends were always getting in some sort of trouble. If she had gotten the oppurtunity to go to college, she probably wouldn't have.

She was comfortable with her small town life, and her future that spoke of building a family and enjoying life as she lived it. She probably would have ended up starting up a small business or something that would have attracted all the tourists that New Haven had back then.

There was nothing wrong with it, but Addie was kind of intimidated by those men who waltzed into town showing all sorts of intelligence and refined personalities. She couldn't compare.

Sure, she could build a house from the ground up, and make admittedly awful moonshine, but she couldn't speak several languages or claim that she had traveled the world. Who was she in the face of all that?

The last few days of getting to know them had been interesting to say the least. While they had given superficial information about themselves, she could still tell that they were holding back.

She knew of their hobbies and some of their likes and dislikes. She knew that they used to live on the opposite side of the United States coast in Charleston, South Carolina. Some even spoke fondly of old friends and family, but that was it.

It seemed like they were censoring what they wanted her to know, which wasn't a bad thing. She knew that she should mind her own business, but for some reason she had to keep reminding herself that she had only know them for a few days.

They had all the time in the world to get to know each other.

Addie liked to believe that they were tentatively friends. Friends who she wanted to jump like a tree, but friends nonetheless.

She even liked Jessica a whole lot. The girl was sweet as can be but had a bite to her that was unexpected. Jessica was three years younger, who lived her teenage years surrounded by alpha males and had an older brother who was way too protective. They had a lot in common.

Sang and Kayli on the other hand were still unknowns in Addie's mind.

Addie didn't know if they were dating one or all of the boys, but she definitely knew that they were territorial of them.

Polyamorous relationships were not uncommon for the survivors. Hell, she's pretty sure her old crush Troy from across the lake was dating two woman at the same time before they left him to go on the road on their own.

The point was that she wasn't one to judge, but the suspense was killing her. If she had to deal with one more glare from either of them she was going to set Lawson loose.

Addie sighed and continued down the aisles of the book store, all of them went off in their own directions of interest.

Addie was absentmindedly picking up some romance novels for herself and Simon. She had caught him reading her books one time and almost busted a gut laughing. (He wouldn't admit it, but he loved the smut.)

Addie was bored. She knew that the guys had more raiding to do, but she couldn't help it. It wasn't until she remembered that Lawsons birthday was coming up in a few days that she remembered she had somewhere else to go.

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