15. Nathan

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Nathan was getting anxious waiting for Brandon to return. When he had been told that his friend was going on an overnight trip with Addie, he was admittedly jealous.

That was before the worry kicked in. He didn't like that they were going to be fuck knows where all on their own.

While he was worried about Brandon, Nathan knew he could handle himself. He was more anxious about Addie. The two of them had become quick friends.

If anything happened to her, Nathan would be devastated.

"Quit fussing," Corey admonished him, flipping a page in his book. "He'll be back soon."

Raven and Sean nodded in agreement from their spots on the couch. Luke, Gabriel and Marc snickered at him.

Nathan glared at Corey. "Don't act like you didn't sleep down here worrying over him all night."

"Watch it," Raven rumbled and pulled his boyfriend into his side.

"Of coarse I did," Corey said with zero shame. "Now I know why he always got so worried when me and Raven took off on our trips."

"Ha!" Gabriel exclaimed in amusement. "That fucker annoyed the shit out of us whenever you guys left. He was always in a shitty mood, bossing everyone around and tearing our cars apart like North when he gets in a tizzy."

"Where is Corey? When will they be back? Corey better get his ass back here before I hunt them down." Luke mocked in a deep voice.

They all chuckled in amusement. Nathan went to comment on how the twins were more alike than they thought, but the door opening caught his attention.

They all turned to the entry way and watched as Brandon threw his bag on the ground and kicked off his shoes. He had a troubled frown on his face and he barely looked at them as he collapsed into one of the chairs.

"That's not the face of someone who got laid," Raven rumbled, looking at Brandon with interest. Everyone groaned. He had been going on and on about how Brandon was going to get over Kayli by laying over someone else.

He already got an earful from everyone, not liking how he portrayed Addie as some type of rebound. They knew he was joking, but it was still disrespectful.

Brandon snorted bitterly and ran his hands through his hair. "I don't even know where to begin, man."

"At the beginning?" Nathan promted him sarcatically.

"Well she took me up to the hot springs resort," he then went on the explain everything from the scenery to the wine they shared. He explained the talk they had and how she reacted.

Nathan was happy she took everything so well.

"So you're telling me you were sharing a tiny hot spring pool at night with a beautiful woman wearing nothing but a bikini, surrounded by lit candles and wine?" Luke asked incredulously. "And you didn't make a move?"

Nathan found himself humming in agreement. Hell, if he had been in that situation with her, he probably wouldn't have been able to help himself.

"It was hard, so hard," Brandon whispered with a faraway glint in his eyes. When he noticed them staring at him all grossed out, he cringed. "I didn't mean it like that, you sick fucks. Anyways, on our way back we ran into some trouble."

They all sat up straight in worry, but Brandon waved them off. He went on to tell them about what had happened with the coyotes and how Addie had handled it on her own. Raven looked impressed.

Nathan sat foward eagerly. "What happened next?"

To any outsider, the situation they were in would probably be hilarious. They were gossiping like a group of teenage girls.

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