25. Victor

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Victor twisted the silver medallion neckless hanging around his neck. The nervous gesture hadn't gone away as he aged. If anything, it became his crutch when he was feeling large amounts of anxiety.

Being in the same room with Sang on top of all the potential people who could have hurt Addie was putting him on edge.

Without looking too closely at Sang, he placed a hand on Addie's lower back and led her to a row of chairs at the very back of the room. People were starting to pile up in the chairs, so his family rushed to get some that were close by him and Addie.

The epitome of a gentleman, he laced his arm through Addie's to help her sit in her chair. "Allow me, my lady," Victor joked with a small smirk. She looked like she was going to fight it, but ended up sighing in fond exasperation.

"Of course, my lord," she mimicked in a flawless British accent. She pretended to wave a fan in front of her face. "How could I ever deny a lovely gentleman such as yourself?" Victor chuckled heartily, enjoying the playful atmosphere.

Victor sat in the chair closest to the aisle in a calculated move, so he could keep a better eye out. He felt more comfortable having Addie in the middle between him and Brandon.

What he didn't expect was for Sang to walk by and brush his shoulder lightly. She stopped and turned her haunted green eyes on him. "Oh, Victor," she exclaimed innocently, finger pressed into her lip. "I didn't see you there."

Tensing in his seat, his eyes darted sideways where Addie was seated. He could tell Brandon was trying to keep her occupied, but her eyes kept coming back to him. He didn't like the way her eyes were dimming the longer Sang stood there, the playful mood diminished.

"That's okay," he replied, smiling tightly. How awkward. He didn't enjoy being in the middle of his ex and the girl he was more than interested in. It wasn't a good position, but he had to be polite. "I'm sure it was an accident." Lies.

"How have you guys been?" she asked hopefully.

Victor tugged on his collar and cleared his throat. He looked at his brothers for help, but they were just as frozen. Except North. He just scowled at her and then rested his eyes on Addie again, causing them to soften.

"We're doing really good," he told her, which was the truth. They were the happiest they'd been in years. "How about you? Have you settled in with the townies well?"

Sang looked down at her feet and played with the frays on her grey, pleated skirt. How she wasn't freezing, Victor didn't understand. "It's been okay I guess. I don't really fit in," Sang peeked at him shamefully, but hurriedly looked back down. "Kayli didn't want to live with me, so I'm on my own now."

Victor felt his stomach drop. He may not have loved her anymore, but she was his first love, and it killed him to see her struggle without them. "I'm sorry to hear that."

Sang shrugged. "It is what it is," she said, her bottom lip wobbling. "I don't mean to complain. I have everything I need, but it's been an adjustment."

Victor could see that Brandon had perked up at Kayli's name, and was waiting for the right moment to speak. Kayli was sitting next to the townie Troy up in the front of the room, so she wouldn't hear. "Where is Kayli staying?"

"She's living with Troy."

"Interesting." Brandon's jaw clenched as he looked over at his ex and her new boyfriend. Victor paused from his conversation to check on Addie, and he almost wished he hadn't.

She was sitting there with her denim clad legs crossed, knee high brown boots on display. Her hands were stuffed in her black jacket pockets. Her beautiful brown eyes were dim as she observed the three of them, and she was frowning slightly. There was no jealousy in her gaze, but he could tell she was confused and hurt.

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