3. Corey

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Corey was getting ready to serve the canned fruit for breakfast while Marc made some coffee for everyone. It wasn't the most pleasant, but they worked with what they had.

It would get better once they settled somewhere. They would be able to grow their own plants and fresh fruits if they found the right terrain. He couldn't wait.

Raven stood next to the microwave that would likely never work again due to their lack of electricity. He had to stop himself from running his eyes down Raven's body to check for any evidence of what happened the night before.

He blushed at the reminder. A deep chuckle sounded right after. "Thinking about last night, da?"

"Shut up," he muttered while trying to hide his red face. He loved and hated the way Raven teased him with equal measure.

Raven walked up behind him and nipped at the side of his neck. Corey couldn't help but release a strangled moan. "Means I did my job right."

Corey didn't bother admonishing him. He was too busy stopping his body from reacting to his boyfriends touch. While Raven was perfectly fine with PDA, Corey was much more reserved. He liked to keep things behind closed doors.

It wouldn't do for his team to walk in and see proof of his arousal. Marc was already humming away, pretending he couldn't see or hear anything. He felt bad that they had to do that so often.

"Step back you fiend," Corey teased while he swatted his boyfriend away. "I'm trying to get breakfast served."

As expected, Raven's nose crinkled up in disgust, his lip piercing pulling down into a pout. "No more fruit."

The sound of shattering glass broke through their bubble. Marc spun around and gaped at Raven. "What did you just say?"

"No more fruit," Raven grumbled and furrowed his brows in confusion. Corey resisted running his finger over his brow to sooth the crease, even when he felt the need to laugh. The irony of Raven denying fruit was funny. He could usually go on and on about fruit cups and its uses in Russian culture.

"Someone fetch Axel and Brandon," he said with wide eyes while sweeping up the glass. "A miracle is happening."

Corey's shoulders shook with the effort it took to hide his amusement. He focused on dishing everyone up so Raven wouldn't see his smile.

Unfortunately, the good mood didn't last long as Kayli walked into the room with Axel and Brandon. Whatever they were speaking of must have been exhausting, because they looked like they'd rather be anywhere else.

Corey suddenly felt guilty for his happiness with Raven. He didn't like knowing his brothers were suffering when he was able to keep his relationship with his boyfriend steady and healthy.

Just one look at the shiner on Raven's face was a reminder for why he was so angry with Kayli in the first place. He hadn't put much effort into speaking with her ever since that incident. Marc always told her that her temper was going to get her in trouble one day, and he wasn't wrong.

Everyone brought their food and coffee outside to sit at the bench table. If it weren't for the silence, he may have been able to ignore the tension and enjoy the nice weather and fresh air from the Montana mountains.

"The others aren't joining us today?" Corey asked pleasantly before taking a sip of his coffee. The end of the world and Marc's coffee is still better than Starbucks.

His twin brother tensed and sorrow flashed through his eyes. Corey paid more attention after seeing that. He elbowed Raven in the gut, causing him to grunt. They needed to hear this.

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