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When Leo woke up, he was laying in the infirmary. The room was fuzzy at first, but it slowly came into focus. He sat up in his bed, and his head surprisingly didn't hurt. That's when he remembered the event with Piper. Oh Styx, he shouldn't have don't that. Now everyone was probably all worried about him.
He spoke, well thought, too soon. Suddenly Hazel walked in, with her head bowed. He had forgotten that she and Frank were coming for a visit. She looked up at him and gasped.
"Leo! You're awake! Guys, Leo's awake!" She yelled, then ran to him and clobbered him in a bear hug. He laughed and hugged her, sitting upright in his bed. In walked Percy, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and Frank. Frank was wearing his Roman SPQR shirt, while the rest of them wore their Camp-Half-Blood shirts, including Jason. Annabeth looked relieved to see him awake, while Jason just patted him on the back.
"Good to have you back buddy," He said.
"Leo! Thank Zeus your alive!" Piper cried, tackling him in his second hug. Leo laughed then laid back slightly in his bed.
"Hey guys!" He said gently, "What's up?"
"What's up?" Frank replied, "You apparently just about starved yourself!"
Leo didn't even have time to think before suddenly, Calypso ran into the room. "Where's Leo!?" She cried, still huffing from her sprint. His crowd of friends parted, making a clear path between them.
"Leo," she sighed running to him. He prepared for another hug, but instead she wrapped her arms around him gently, pushing her lips into his. They sat there for a moment in each other's embrace, when she let go, and looked him in the eye, their faces only inches apart.
"Promise me you will never scare me again like that again." She urged.
"Consider it done." He answered hastily. Dang he loved that woman.
"Leo! What were you thinking?!" Piper interrupted from the other side of the room. Calypso stepped back to join the crowd.
"I don't know what you guys are still so crazy about," he answers honestly, "I just got a little dizzy."
Pipers expression grew dark. "Leo, you almost died. Again. But for good. Why would you starve yourself like that?"
He sucked in air. He had always worked when he felt down, but if Piper hadn't come...
"You should have died," the voice stated clearly in the back of his mind. "After what you've done, you deserve it."
"No," Leo muttered under his breathe, looking back down at the covers of his bed. He shouldn't have died, right? That couldn't be right.
"What did you say?" Calypso questioned.
"Nothing," he answered, a little harsher than expected, "the point is, I'm fine now. Don't worry about me guys."
"Leo," Annabeth hesitated, "you work too hard. You rarely even come out of the forge anymore. We're worried about you. And then we learn you just about starved yourself? AND you haven't slept for three nights? What's up?"
"It's the voice" he thought. They could never know though. The nightmares, the thoughts, the weakness, and the voice. He was a coward. He had to keep hiding behind his pathetic smile.
"You truly are a coward," The voice repeated. "A coward and a fake."
"Stop!" He yelled, then covered his mouth. A sharp pain hit his brain, and he wrapped his arms around head, gritting his teeth. When he didn't listen to the voice, this happened. Leo felt his hair catch fire, and maybe his arms, but it was hard to think through the agony. He cried out, and the pain snapped. He lay back in his bed, huffing.
"Leo?" He heard the soft, fragile cry of Calypso. She didn't deserve to see him like this.
"She deserves better than you wimp," the voice hissed. Leo tried to ignore it, and when he had regained his breathe, he opened his eyes and sat up. His friends all looked at him in shock. Calypso, Piper, and Hazel all had small tears forming in their eyes.
"Leo?" Piper whispered desperately. He had no words, so he simply laid back in his bed. His brain was to crowded. Despite his nap, he was still drained. He wanted to sleep, but all that came was the voice. He turned to Piper pleadingly, and she stepped forward.
"Leo?" She said with authority, though her voice cracked. He only looked at her, feeling like he was about to break, and focused all his will on her voice.
"Sleep," she said, pouring all her charm speak into her voice, and drowsiness over took Leo as he closed his eyes.

PJO/HOO After Blood of Olympus; The Son Of Greece (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now