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Jason's head was spinning, and he was pretty fed up with it. They had just finished a quest, gotten his friend back, and Bam! another quest. He was ready for at least a little peace and quiet. But no, here he was running to find a god in the Apollo cabin.
When they reached the door, his jaw dropped. First of all, the door was completely blown off. Inside, the entire room glowed. There, amidst the assorted instruments and poetry, stood the goddess Artemis. Her hair was braided over one side, and she wore elegant white robes. She truly looked like a goddess. Jason, Piper, and Annabeth stepped forward.
"Heroes," Artemis began, "As you are aware, there is troubling beneath the earth once more."
"Gaea's back?" Jason blurted out. Piper glared at him.
"No," Annabeth answered, "Another enemy is. And I think I know who."
"Child of wisdom," Artemis said, "you know of the threat. I come to warn you, and give unto you heed. I believe that my brother may be in danger. There is no time to waste on your journey."
Annabeth nodded. Jason watched her curiously. She always seemed to know exactly what was going on, but remained reluctant to share the information.
Artemis sighed and looked out one of the windows in the cabin to her left. "I'm sure you know by now where you must go?"
"I do," was Annabeth's only reply.
"Then my work here is done," Artemis finished, this disappeared in a bright flash of light. They all averted their eyes, which Jason had learned the hard way, then began walking out of the cabin.
"So Annabeth," Piper started, "care to share any of this new information with us?"
Annabeth only shook her head. "Someone new is rising. New for you at least. He will be hard to defeat, if we even can. I don't know much more than that."
It was obvious that she did, and so Piper persisted, "Well, can you at least tell us where we are going?"
Annabeth turned back, her grey eyes shining murderously, "We're going back to Rome. We're going to Arachne's cave." Then she turned and ran off, most likely to tell the other seven. That left only Jason and Piper.
"She knows more than she is letting on," Piper stated plainly.
"I know," Jason replied. It was obvious. Jason was still trying to figure out who the enemy was. He had a feeling it had something to do with Percy and Annabeth's time in Tartarus. Based on the horrors Jason had rarely heard of what happened, he wanted nothing to do with anything living in that pit.
Jason and Piper decided to figure out transportation. Maybe Leo could think of something. He still did have Festus after all. Together they walked to the forest toward Bunker Nine. They usually could find him in there, if Frank and Hazel weren't on their shift. When they reached the large wall of rock, they were surprised to hear Leo's voice. And it sounded like it was in pain.
"Shut up!" Leo cried out, and a bang of metal was heard. He sounded like he was being tortured. Immediately, Piper and Jason were on full alert. They ran to where the door was hidden and began pounding their fists in the rock.
"Leo! Open the door!" Piper yelled. Almost instantly, his cries stopped, and his heavy breathing was heard. It went for a moment, before the door opened, and Leo stood there, grinning like the world was his workshop.
"Hey guys! What's up?" He said coolly, like absolutely nothing had happened seconds ago.
"Umm, you were screaming in agony? What in Hades was that Leo?" Piper asked incredulously.
"What was what? And why are you guys here?" He replied curiously, though fear shown in his eyes. Jason got the hint that they weren't supposed to hear his little outburst, but Jason didn't buy it for a second. Leo couldn't just lie to him.
"Well we came here because we are going on another quest." Leo's jaw dropped, and Piper gave him a struck look. He knew they weren't just going to put down Leo's weird behavior recently, but they also had important business at the moment. So Jason went on and explained the prophecy and Artemis showing up in the Apollo cabin.
"A restless foe..." Leo thought for a moment, "Who could that be?"
"We don't know," Jason answered, "but Annabeth seems to have a clue. She says we need to go back to Rome, and we need a ride for all the seven again. We know we can't use the Argo II again, but if you have any ideas..."
Leo stroked his chin, then his face lit up. "Actually, I might have just the thing!" He ran back though the workshop like a child on a playground, and Piper and Jason assumed that they should follow.

PJO/HOO After Blood of Olympus; The Son Of Greece (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now