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After Jason, Piper, and Leo left into the back room with Hypnos, Annabeth woke Percy up and informed him in the short but important information he had missed out on. The four remaining demigods sat and waited in silence, occasionally nudging one another to keep awake. It reminded Percy of the Hypnos cabin, which he had been in once or twice, except it was about a hundred times more powerful.
After a few minutes, Piper, Jason, and Leo renters the room. Leo looked as pooped as Percy felt. Frank stood and was about to question them when Jason shot him a glare that obviously said "we'll talk later."
"Guys, we should get going." Jason said in a subtly urgent tone, and Leo looked at him, obviously displeased.
"Care to explain what happened in there Fly Boy?" Leo asked.
"We'll explain in the cabin," Piper said.
Just then, Hypnos stepped out of the back room and looked at Jason. "Demigods, one last thing," he said quickly, as if he was in a rush, "I have provided you with some assistance, for your quest and for other issues we discussed," he glanced at Leo, which left Percy feelings even more behind.
Jason just nodded. "Thank you." He said, and began heading for the the door. Everyone followed his example and Festus lay outside, smashing a large section of poppies. Apparently, the drowsy aroma affected him as well.
When they opened up the Argo Cabin, a girl sat inside. Well that was unexpected. She looked about their age, a few years younger. She had long brown hair and dark brown eyes, and seemed vaguely familiar. She sat on the floor and looked up at them, seeming as puzzled as they were.
"Uh, hey." Percy said first, breaking the awkward silence, "Why are you in our dragon?"
She looked at him. "Percy. Uh, hi. You probably don't know me, I'm Adelephine."
He was taken back a bit, hearing his name out of the strangers mouth. "Hi. Do I know you?"
Annabeth stepped in, her eyes narrow, examining the girl. "I know you, don't I? You went to camp, child of Iris or something."
Adelephine's face flooded with relief. "Yes, Annabeth. My dad is Hypnos, actually. I live in Italy, and flew out to Camp in the summers." She looked up at all the demigods, and then suddenly looked at the ground. Percy didn't remember this girl, he had maybe seen her face once or twice. "Well, thanks cool and all, but... Why are you in the dragon?"
She thought for a moment, then looked up. "I don't actually know how I got here. I was asleep, naturally. Then I saw my dad. He said I had a task... To take you to... Oh." She said mysteriously.
Percy remembered how Hypnos had mentioned assistance, and assumed this is what he meant. "Well, we're headed to Rome."
The girl simply shook her head. "No, you can't go yet. You don't even know what's waiting there for you!"
"And you do?" Annabeth asked quizzically.
She shook her head again. "No, but there's a place where you can find out. I can take you there."
A few of them nodded; it didn't really seem like there was any better option. The idea seemed like a better idea than randomly charging into an unknown battle, which Percy had done many times.
Annabeth took a moment longer than everyone else, then replied, "alright, take us. But we'll need to move fast. We don't know how long until... Well, bad things start happening,"
"They already have," Jason said suddenly. That didn't help brighten the mood. He looked around and saw the expectant faces pointed at him, and he frowned. "Here, let's all get inside. Leo, you and Adelephine sit up in Festus and steer to this... place."
Adelephine suddenly paled. "Oh, uh, me and Leo? Well, I su,suppose..."
Leo saved her. "Uh guy," he interrupted, "I want to hear what happened too! I was sort of unconcious, if you don't recall."
"Can she steer on her own?" Annabeth asked him.
"Oh sure," he flipped his hand lazily, "just tell Festus where to go, he's gotten more interactive since Piper woke him up. He also has a mini GPS, not to brag."
Adelephine nodded and stood up quickly. "Alright. I know how to get there from here."
No one interjected, so they all filed into the cabinet, and Leo helped get her set up. Once inside, Piper looked up at the two and smirked. "Man, that's just sad."
Percy looked at his, confused. "What?"
She gave him an obvious stare. "Well obviously, she has a crush on him."
Percy raised an eyebrow. "Really? It wasn't that obvious to me."
Piper shrugged. "I don't know. Mane an Aphrodite thing."
Leo then burst in. "Alrighty, what did I miss?"
Piper and Percy shared a glance. "Well that Hypnos girl certainly showed an interest in you."
Leo looked at him, puzzled. "What? Pft, I'm a taken man now Beauty Queen. Speaking of which..." He looked over at the mini fountain he had installed in the corner. He hesitated a moment. "Eh, it can wait, I guess. First order of buisness, what happened with Mr. Sleepy?"
The seven all sat down together, and after the just of liftoff, Jason began to explain. He spoke slowly, as if deciding what to say and what to leave out. He explained the bit about gods going missing, first.
That worried Percy. It seemed that minor gods were going, but what about Apollo? What if the major gods starting going? Without Demeter, or Hades, of his own dad Posideon... it would all end in a mess. And they had no idea why is was happening. Percy was used to being clueless at times, but this was just bizarre.
He tuned back into the conversation, "-and then he woke up Leo. He didn't mean to exclude you, there were just somethings... I mean, there's some confusion we need to sort out."
Leo folded his arms. "Well alright, but I still don't see why I had to pass out for our little chat. I don't particularly enjoy being unconcious."
Piper and Jason looked uncomfortably at each other. That was the issue with a single room cabin. There was no real 'privacy'. Everyone was bunched together, so you couldn't really have private conversations. Maybe when they landed the three could sort their issues out.
The seven all continued talking. Some time later, they began to descend. It had been an hour at most. They waited patiently (as patiently as ADHD demigods get) until Festus rested on the ground and the door opened. They had landed in a park in the middle of a small town. They walked out into the open air one by one. Adelephine jumped down from Festus's back.
Annabeth slung her bag over her back. "Alright, where are we going?"
Adelephine bit her lip. "It's a place called Diana's Cafe, a few blocks away. You'll find answers there. Be careful."
Annabeth furrowed her brow, her grey eyes stormy. "Aren't you taking us there?"
Adelephine shook her head sadly. "I can't go, it's your quest. Just head down that street, turn left after a quarter mile or so, and you'll find it. Trust me."
Annabeth was practically fuming. They had completely stepped off track of their quest to listen to this random half-blood, and were seemingly on a wild goose chase. Percy stepped in and placed a hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. We'll be fine. Leo, don't let Festus move." The girl seemed harmless, but leaving her with their only form of transportation didn't seem like the best idea in the world. Leo nodded and stepped over to Festus, mumbling a few words and hitting one or two buttons on the panel in his head.
Festus sat down like a dog with a heave creek, and they watched him curiously.
"What do think the mortals will see him as?" Frank asked.
"Maybe a statue or something."
Piper answered. They waited a moment, and glanced one more time at Adelephine. She stepped away and said, "I'll be fine, and I swear, I won't touch your dragon."
"You better not lady, or your gonna get-" Leo began, but stopped as her eyes grew wide and she visibly gulped, "never mind. Let's go guys." He turned and began walking where she had pointed previously, the others followed his example. Together, they all began making their may toward an unknown location.

PJO/HOO After Blood of Olympus; The Son Of Greece (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now