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Leo was already annoyed, and he didn't need the voice in his head to push it.
"You're useless." It said, in a hushed tone, almost like it didn't want him to hear. Of course it did though, otherwise it wouldn't have told him that about a billion times already. Leo had been working since, well, he didn't want to think about it. He needed to get this done. He worked, connecting wires and checking monitors, like any decent child of Hephestus. At least he could do this right.
When he was finished, a strange device sat in front of him. It looked like a hammer, with a few strange buttons on the handle. He lightly touched it, and immediately a string of thoughts flowed in his head. The top one sent out a small explosive filled with deadly powers. The next one shot out a spray of poison, which Leo didn't remember making. It was a unique, deadly weapon, and it would do him good in a fight. Leo only sighed though, tossing the weapon into a small box next to him. It was already full of other gadgets he had made. They were all ready to be sent to the armory, and eventually be selected by some random demigod.
Leo sighed, and wondered if this is what he would do with the rest of his life. Ever since the quest, the prophesy, Gaea... Calypso." Leo shuddered. Thinking back made life complicated. He had rescued Calypso, and brought her back to camp. It had been pretty epic.
Leo had flown over camp, while everyone sat around the fire, mourning. It was his funeral. The Romans had come to join, even though he had kinda blown up their city. The seven, well six, whatever, had all given a sad speech and broken down in tears. Suddenly, a random camper had shouted out, as a dark mass descended on the camp. A few screamed, and archers pulled out their bows. "Hold fire!" Chiron yelled. The mass grew larger, and tension built, until a yell came from above.
"Bad-Boy Supreme is back!" The voice yelled, as a few fire balls shot into the sky, exploding like fireworks. Everyone gasped, and Festus landed. He, the one and only Leo Valdez jumped off, and hit the ground with his hand in the air smiling like a mad man.
"Anybody miss me?" He exclaimed. Everyone sat in shock, with their jaws hanging wide open. "L-leo?!" Piper stuttered. Jason stood, and was followed by the rest of the seven. He only smirked.
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
"Leo!" Screamed Hazel. She was the first to move. Everyone came out of their shock and ran to him in a giant bear hug. It composed of the seven, and a few others. Many of them started crying again, tears of joy. Leo thought he heard Annabeth mumble something to Percy about interrupting his funeral, but Leo decided to ignore it. Everyone stepped back, sizing him up, like they were trying to decide if he was real or not.
The unexpected happened. Piper stepped forward, her face in shock. Then, it slowly turned to horror.
"Um Pipes, it's o-" he was rudely interrupted as pipers hand made contact with his face.
"Leo Valdez how dare you not tell us you were alive! Why?" She cried out. Her eyes were bloodshot. Why she asked? Leo stepped back into the shadows where Festus stood, and a grin spread across his face.
"I'm sorry I left you guys in the dark for so long, a week actually. But, honestly, I had some very important, and very beautiful business I had to take care of." The whole camp watched, as he reached up above Festus, and a sleek hand took his. The whole camp froze as the beautiful Calypso slid down the mechanic dragon's back, landing softly on the ground. She looked at the crowd, frozen in awe, and smiled. She looked back up at Leo, their hands intertwined.
"You really did it Leo. You rescued me." Her eyes danced in the firelight, and they kissed. Leo was so happy, he almost didn't hear the screams from the entire Aphrodite cabin. A few fainted on the spot, but Leo really didn't care. He had Calypso. And he was home.
These thoughts flooded leo as he sat alone in his workshop. At the time, he had the spotlight, and it was nice. He even had the gut to think maybe it was a new start for the seventh wheel. Of course, he didn't deserve that, and it hasn't been so. Everyone was happy to see him, but the fame faded. He was just another demigod.Suddenly he heard a voice behind him.
"Leo?" It was Piper. He hadn't expected company. No one ever visited anymore.
"Why would anyone want to see you?" The voice said. Leo quickly plastered a fake smile to his face, and turned around.
"Hey Beauty Queen. What's up?" She looked like she always did. Long brown hair, with a few small braids. She wore her orange tee shirt and shorts.
"Hey Leo. You haven't been out much. Just wanted to make sure you're okay." She said. He turned in his chair, and said,
"Ya. I'm fine." She shrugged, and began walking off. Leo stood up, thinking maybe he should get some fresh air. Big mistake. The second he stood, a wave of dizziness came over him. He immediately sat, making sure he stayed conscious.
Piper turned back and gasped, "Oh gosh Leo!" She grabbed his arm, and he wished she wasn't here. Dang it, why had he been so dumb. He shouldn't have done that in front of her, one of the last people who still cared. The dizziness went away like it always did after a few seconds, and he stood up. Piper looked at him, concerned.
"Holy Gaea! Leo, what was that?!" He tried to cover it up.
"No worries Pipes. I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." He tried to get away, maybe make it to the door, but she grabbed his arm.
"Dizzy?! Leo how long has it been since you slept? Since you ate?" He didn't answer, only mumbled a bit under his breathe.
"Leo. Answer me." Dang charm speak. He felt her words roll over him and knew there was no escape.
"I haven't slept in five days and eaten in three." Piper gasped. Leo hadn't even realized it had been that long. All focus had been on building. It kept him busy, and he couldn't sleep with that voice in his head. It gave him dreams that he didn't want to think about, thus the building.
"Leo why?!" Piper cried. She was shocked. Leo didn't understand why she cared so much. Maybe Calypso would care, but Piper had more important things than him to think about. The voice agreed.
"Piper, I-I..." His voice cracked. Of course he made the mistake of trying to stand again. He barely made it up before his knees buckled and everything went black.

PJO/HOO After Blood of Olympus; The Son Of Greece (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now