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  They all walked in small groups, and Percy walked along next to Hazel and Piper. Piper looked up at Leo and smiled. "Who would have thought some girl at camp would have had the hots for Leo?" Hazel smiled and examined their surroundings. It was a small town, only a few people in sight. Funny Italian cars went by occasionally, but there was not much action. It was all kinda creepy, though one large building loomed in the distance, and they walked toward it.
    They walked for a while, when they reached the huge building with a sign out front. It was surrounded in dozens of water fountains ranging in size and exotic flowers. There were a few mini statues of angles set on the fountains.
"Diana's Cafe, we're here." Frank read aloud, as the many dyslexic demigods squinted at the sign.
   "Strange it's in English." Annabeth noted. They hesitated a moment before walking in.
    The first thing Percy noted was the size of the place. It was half the size of a football stadium, at least, and was decorated like a jungle.  There were plants everywhere, some grown right into the floor. There was even a water fall coming straight out of one wall, flowing into a large pond where a few other girls sat. The floor was tile around the outskirts, but the center was a large, grass field, decorated with tables. The ceiling was high and made of glass, letting all the sun light in. There were many girls walking aimlessly around the empty room. They all had pretty faces, long hair and wore white dresses. One looked over at them and smiled blissfully. Percy couldn't help but smile back. Annabeth nudged him, "Careful," she whispered, "don't forget what happened the first time we went to a strange cafe with a nice old woman." Percy remembered the Medusa encounter, and tried to clear his mind. Still, the girl seemed harmless. She walked smoothly over to them, and he noted her bare feet.
   "Ciao! Benvenuti al caffè di Diana. Come posso aiutarla oggi?" She spoke. Her voice was silky, and Percy wished he understood her.
    Percy turned to the others. The boys all seemed to feel the same as Percy, with smug looks on their face.
  Jason turned to Piper. "Hey, Piper, could you translate?"
  Piper looked at him, concerned. "I speak French, not Italian. And I'm not so sure we should be here."
  The girl tilted her head, and switched languages suddenly, "English speakers? Are you travelers?"
    Frank nodded. "Ya, were from America. Although, I'm part Canadian, and Chinese... And Roman." He probably would have continued if Hazel hadn't nudged him.
   The girl only smiled, and her eyes sparkled. "Wonderful! You must be starving." Percy wanted to object; they were on an important quest. But his stomach objected. He hadn't eaten in quite a while, and it smelled amazing in the Cafe. Like all his favorite foods combined.
   Annabeth stepped forward, "actually, were on an important qu-"
   Percy interrupted, "Wise girl, hold on. It couldn't hurt to get a bite."
   The server squealed in delight. "Sounds great! Alysia, please show them to their table."
    Another girl, most likely Alysia, walked over to them. She had similar features to the first girl. "Of course. Follow me please."
   Percy turned and saw Annabeth staring at him, stunned. "Percy, we're not here to eat! I have a bag feeling about this place." He looked over and saw Piper quietly talking to Jason, clearly concerned. Hazel anxiously waved a hand in front of Frank's face, but he didn't seem to mind.
    Percy didn't see what her problem was. They were just getting some food from some nice people. Everything felt fine, they could relax. If there was danger, he had riptide in his pocket, ready to go. Honestly, he didn't want to fight these nice girls, but he wouldn't dare tell Annabeth that, or she would drag him right back out the front door. He also didn't want to mention the other reason. Since Tartarus, he had been so... tense. They had been through a lot, but nothing like that. Since then, he could never really relax completely, or feel completely safe. He was never sure if Annabeth was safe either, another thing to worry about. But here, he felt relaxed. He felt okay for once, like they could be safe. The girls were worried, but the group slowly made their way to the tables. They all sat down. A few girls watched them, all equally gorgeous, and occasionally giggled, or whispered to one another.    
    Percy wondered if maybe they were talking about him, when Annabeth flicked his forehead from across heir table. "Hey, remember me, Seaweed brain? Remember our quest?"
  He nodded. "I'm good, I'm good." Really, he was thinking about food, but she didn't need to know that. A few girls came back and began taking their orders. There was no menu, which Percy found strange. The girls began asking for some of their favorite foods. They ordered a few burgers and fries. Piper, being a vegetarian, got a soup and salad. Barely a minute after ordering, a few girls walked out of a door with their food. It had an incredible aroma Percy didn't know existed. He closed his eyes a moment to take it in. He felt sort of dizzy, but wanted to get his hands on those burgers. As soon as the food was on he table, they all dug in. It was delicious. All the demigods were huddled over their food, smiling. Strangely, Annabeth wasn't eating. She examined everyone's faces, one by one, as if deciding her next move carefully. Once in a while, she glanced at the food longingly. There was no way she wasn't smelling this stuff, Percy thought. He shot her a curious glance, and she huffed.
"Percy, as much as I'd love to eat, I have a bad feeling about this place. First there's Aunts Em's Emporium. Then the Lotus Casino. Don't be fooled by a pretty face or a pretty voice."
    Piper looked up from her soup and nodded. "I agree. Amazing food, but she has a point. When Jason, Leo and I were on our quest for Hera, we ran into this sorceress named Media in the sewers."
  Percy raised an eyebrow on her direction.
   "Not like in the sewers," Piper added, "but in a department store... in the sewers. Anyway, she had Jason and Leo under a spell and they just about killed each other. I agree, we should be careful."
   Leo took a bite of his burger. "These girls seem cool. Let's just eat, then ask if they know anything about the gods disappearing."
   Annabeth sighed, "Leo, I don't know if they're even-"
   One of the servers interrupted them. "Is everything alright?" She asked politely, refilling their drinks.
  They nodded. Hazel looked away from Frank. "Yes, we're wonderful.  The only issue...we're not just here to eat. We're also on a quest. A mission of sorts."
   The girl stopped pouring their drinks. Her smile slipped of her face, and she cocked her head. "Oh, a quest you say? Are you demigods then?"
    Percy froze mid bite. Then he finished it (it still tasted fantastic), and looked up. "Uh, ya. How did you...?"
  The girl smiled again, but she didn't seem as bubbly as before. "Oh yes, we're had many demigods here, the occasional nymph or two. Diana's cafe is completely staffed by Undines."
   A memory suddenly tugged in Percy's brain. Something in the mythology classes at camp. Annabeth seemed to remember more than Percy. She paled. "Undines? Oh Hades." Her hand reached over her shoulder to her backpack where she kept her drakon bone sword. The bag was enchanted by the Hephestus cabin so it was larger on the inside than the outside.
    The girl took a step back. "Oh, don't worry, we're not hostile. As long as you aren't. And as long as your not after μεγάλο μάτι."
     "Your mega what?" Percy asked, though the Greek worked its way into his head.
     "Our μεγάλο μάτι, megàlo màto ." She said, with some annoyance in her voice, but still smiling. "The Great Eye. It is our source of knowledge. Our lives are tied to this area, which we turned into a cafe. Undines are like nymphs in that way."
   "So you guys are peaceful," Leo said, sipping his drink, "that's good. Well, we need some informations from your Mega-Lovato to probably save the world, so if you wouldn't mind showing us where it is."
    Percy swore the girls eyes flashed red. She smiled wider, but it didn't seem as friendly. "Oh, so sorry, but we can't let anyone see the Great Eye. You see, it took forever to obtain. It is our prized possession."
    Part of Percy wanted to understand her, trust her, and keep eating. Yet, he started seeing things a little bit more like Annabeth. All the demigods seemed to agree, and no one was eating anymore.
   "Uh, guys," Piper said uncertainly, "I think it's time that we go."
   The server laughed. Her eyes were defiantly red now. "Oh, you won't be leaving." Percy definitely wasn't hungry anymore. She continued, "we'd love for you to live, but the issue is, you know about the Great Eye. Many people would love to get their hands on it. And chances are, you're going to go spread the world to all your little demigod friends." She said it with some sympathy in her voice, which made her even creepier.
   Annabeth stared at the girl with hatred. "Sorry, I don't plan on dying today." Suddenly, her hand flashed back into her backpack and came out holding her sword. She was on her feet in an instant. The others did the same. Percy stood and pulled out Riptide. He clicked the pen, and he was suddenly holding his celestial bronze sword.
    The undine hissed and stepped back. "Oh, you fools, you think you can trespass in our territory and take our eye?" The other undines began walking closer. Suddenly, the front one grinned and her eyes widened. "We haven't even shown you our party trick yet." She opened her mouth, and Annabeth yelled, "No!"
  Just as a single, clear note escaped the undine's mouth, a golden spathi suddenly impaled itself in her chest. She stood in awe a moment, before disappearing in a poof of steam. Everyone turned to face Hazel, who still stood with her arm thrust out. Her face was stone hard. She flicked her wrist, and the metal spathi returned to her hand. The undine stared in disbelief.
   Then all chaos broke loose. The undine all merged and attacked them, some with various eating utensils. "Don't let any of them sing! They're just like sirens!" Annabeth yelled. As soon as one opened her mouth, someone immediately took her down, and she disappeared in a poof. Frank pulled out his bow and arrow and shot a few undine, then morphed into an bear and charged more. He continued switching back and forth, as Leo shot fireballs. Occasionally when a girl opened her mouth, he would whip out a hammer and throw it straight through her chest. Percy slashed through the girls one by one. It seemed that the girls just kept coming; there had definitely not been this many before. The seven kept fighting, slowly tiring and spreading throughout vast room. Percy noticed Piper and Jason fought back to back on the counter, and he searched the room for Annabeth. He saw her slashing away at a group of undine. Then, his eyes wandered to Frank.
       Frank stood in the corner, and his bow lay on the ground. A single undine stood next to him, whispering in his ear. Frank's eyes were glazed over. Percy lowered his sword and yelled "Frank!"
    He realized his mistake too late. He suddenly felt a presence looming over his shoulder. Before he could flinch, the girl began singing softly into his own ear.
     An instant later, the world changed. Everything was a blur. His mind was swimming, and a beautiful voice consumed him.

PJO/HOO After Blood of Olympus; The Son Of Greece (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now