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    Leo stood with Hazel when he heard a voice yell "Frank!". He shot another burst of fire at an undine. At this rate, he was going to run out of steam any minute. The fight had been going a while, and his fire was getting weaker with every throw.  He took a quick glance up to see how the others were doing. Piper and Jason together as always. Annabeth was destroying the undine, and she looked more furious than usual. She was making progress forward, like she had a target. His eyes wandered ahead, and he saw Percy and Frank.
    A large group of undine surrounded the two, slowly herding them toward the Staff Room, which Leo assumed was probably something a little less friendly. Both boys followed slowly, with long lazy motions. They seemed to be in a trance of some sort, and showed no resistance.
Leo mentally began panicking. Who knows what those girls would do to them? Rip them to shreds, possibly. Eat them alive, not unlikely. He began to question how he had reached this point in his life, when another undine lunged at him. He barely had time to pull a hammer from his belt and smash her face in. Next to him, Hazel growled, "Go help Annabeth! We've got it up here." She had taken on seven undine, who slowly closed in as mist began to swirl around her feet. He hesitated, but knew never to underestimate her.
Leo took off after Annabeth, swiping at a girl every few steps. His belt began to heat up, and he knew that it was about at it's limit. Instead of throwing hammers, he held on to one and bashed in anyone who got close. He managed to catch up to Annabeth.
"Remind me to tell Percy 'I told you so'" Annabeth grumbled as she sliced an undine with her drakon bone sword. It instantly disappeared in a poof of steam.
"If we make it out of this, you can yell at him all you want." He replied shortly, then yelled "duck!" as he shot a fireball straight at her head. She dropped an instant before the flames soared over her and consumed the girl behind her. The two worked together as they made their way to the staff room. They opened the door opened to reveal an earthen tunnel, with walls made completely of dirt. It slopes downward into darkness, and it reminded Leo of a giant ant hill filled with endless, winding tunnels. He knew Hazel would do well down here, she did well underground, but she seemed occupied at the time. Jason and Piper fought with her. Knowing they wouldn't last forever, Leo launched down through the tunnels with Annabeth on his tail.
They went deeper down, and the temperature dropped. Water dripped from the top of the tunnel, and small streams trickled along the sides. Leo set one hand on fire for light, though it didn't help much. After a while, the path split. On one side, a faint blue light emanated. From the other, voices. They all sounded feminine. They had to choose which path to take. Annabeth turned to Leo.
"We split up. I'm assuming Percy and Frank were taken down that tunnel," she said, indicating to the tunnel filled with voices, "so I'll head down there and scout around, see if I can find Percy and Frank and maybe talk some sense into them. You take a look at the other way, and try not to get caught."
"Try my best, no promises. Good luck." He responded, "take this too, just in case you get caught or something. He reached into his belt and pulled out what looked like a small wrapped up Kleenex. Really, it would serve as a flash bang or a distraction. He had been planning to use it for a prank at camp, but right now seemed like an okay time to use it. He handed it to her and they shared a glance before parting ways. He walked down the sloped path as the light got brighter. Soon enough, the path opened up to a large room. It's walls and ceiling were still made of earth, but the floor was roughly tiled, like it had been done thousands of years ago. In the center of the room, there was a large, glowing eyeball about the size of a football. It sat on a marble pedestal, and it's blue hue filled the room.
Leo approached it cautiously. This reminded him of some Indiana Jones scene, and a bunch of booby traps were all going to go off if he stepped wrong. He gingerly placed his hand on the floor, and didn't sense any mechanisms. Earlier, Adelephine had said they had to come here to find vital information about the threat they were going to face. And the undine had said that the eye could show them information about the outside world. This eye is what that came here for. He slowly approached it. Something about the large eye drew him in. It was risky, but he gently raised both his hands and set them on the Great Eye.
Instantly, he felt his mind expanding. It felt like some unknown barrier had been removed from his brain. He closed his eyes, and instead of seeing blackness, he saw himself, standing there on the room. He was everywhere, in every crack in the floor and every ounce of dirt. He pushed himself out ward, and his view expanded. He saw the whole cafe; Piper and Jason fighting still, the undine emerging from the waterfall. Again he moved out ward, and saw every inch of the town. It gave him an exhilarating rush. He felt limitless. A nagging feeling pulled at him, to expand and expand and never stop. All the knowledge seemed to scream at him. He expanded once more to what was about half of Italy. He saw mountains, faces, too much to even comprehend.
Suddenly, he heard the voice, the same one he had been hearing since he'd died. "Tempting, isn't it?" The voice chuckled.
At that moment, Leo realized the voice had probably just saved his life. All this, it was too much. The more he saw... It became too much for mortal eyes. Almost like a gods true form. He took a deep breathe, and tried to remember his goal here. He needed to see what his friends were up against.
Slowly, Leo zoomed in. He cautiously made his way to Rome. He saw familiar sights from their last visit. He wondered if he could ask for a certain location, like hitting search on Google Maps.
"Take me to the threat, the enemy were going to face." He said, though he wasn't sure if it was aloud or in his mind. Surprisingly, his vague request worked. He was suddenly standing in a huge, dark cavern. It was all too familiar and gave Leo chills. He was standing, well, floating, in the cave where Annabeth had defeated Arachne. This was the place where Percy and Annabeth had fallen into Tartarus. It looked nothing like it did before though. The cracked, fragile floor was completely gone, and Tartarus filled the room. It was pure darkness that swirled slowly like a hurricane and seemed to pull all the light in. Above the center of the vortex, a large ball of light swirled, and it seemed to be growing by the second. What added to the horror was the gods that filled the room. There were around twenty people all chained to the walls around the cavern. Leo recognized only a few; Hebe, Iris, Morpheus, and Nemesis (which he didn't feel too bad watching), Hypnos. They all glowed dimply. It hit Leo that small steams of godly light flowed off them into swirling ball of light. They seemed tired, and less godly than usual. A small, horrifying thought occurred to Leo and he was suddenly alert. He desperately searched the room. Luckily, Calypso was no where to be seen. Neither was Hypnos. He sighed with relief, and tried to comprehend the situation. Gods were being taken, and their power was somehow being taken as well, though he had no idea how. And Tartarus... He didn't even want to think about.
Leo thought he had seen enough. Then he realized he didn't know how to stop. He had lost all feeling of his body, and was stuck in this vision. He began panicking, even without a physical form. The voice laughed, and it was strangely loud. It didn't sound like it was in his head. It seemed to be coming from... The pit. That caused him to panick even more, and he quickly changes view. He had to get out, anywhere. He knew he was here, he knew everything. Just then, Leo heard another voice.
"Leo." It said calmly. He mentally reached out for it.
"Leo." It said again, louder, and suddenly, he felt a hand touch his shoulder, it was like an anchor, and his view shot down to the cavern where he stood, and his eyes shot open. He jerked so bad, he would have fallen of Percy didn't grab him.
"Woah dude." He said cautiously. Leo stood shakily. Annabeth, Frank, and Percy stood around him.
"I used your flash bang," Annabeth stated, "and I grabbed the boys. They gained their senses on the way up." Both boys turned a little red. "The girls are going to be on us any second, we need to move." She said urgently. He nodded and blinked. His view was still shaky and he was light headed. He almost tripped and face planted as they began to move, but Percy grabbed him again.
"You good to walk? You're pretty pale, and sweating bad." Percy noted.
"Fine." Leo lied. He took a deep breathe and walked forward. When they heard voices in the tunnels behind them, they broke into a run. When they emerged into the cafe, there were almost no undine left.. Jason, Piper, and Hazel cleaned up well. They were all sweaty and breathing hard.
"They... regenerate... in... the water," Jason managed. "Be back soon."
They nodded. "Let's get out of here," Leo said, "I found the eye. I know... I know enough."
He got a few suspicious glances, but another girl hopped out of the waterfall across the room, and they all ran for their lives through the front doors.

PJO/HOO After Blood of Olympus; The Son Of Greece (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now