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When Jason, Piper, and Annabeth reached the Big House, a large crowd had already gathered there around the porch. The huddle of demigods surrounded Rachel Dare and Ella. Piper looked around to see that the rest of the Seven and Calypso had Arendt joined the crowd, and everyone was talking.
"Annabeth, what's going-"
"Quiet!" Chiron yelled from the front door. He stood in full centaur form in front of the door, looming over Rachel and Ella. Everyone immediately went silent. He sighed, "Alright, Rachel, can you please tell me what just happened."
Rachel stepped forward and faced the crowd. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun, and some of her bright red hair hung down in her face. "Well," she began, "as you all know, lately my abilities haven't been working."
It was true. Ever since the war with Gaea, the spirit of Delphi hadn't been active. Many people assumed that it was because Apollo was in trouble with Zeus for helping Leo get the potion he had used to resurrect himself when he died. It was a nice break from quests and drama until now. Rachel continued.
"Lately, I've been working with Ella to try and figure out more about the Sibylline books, since it seems to be our only source of prophecies at the moment." By her tone, it was obvious that she hated not being able to give prophecies. Sure it jacked into her sometimes, but it was her only job at camp. She was only a mortal. "As we worked, Ella gave another prophecy. The thing is, I think this one applies to now." A few campers gasped. Rachel motioned toward Ella. "If you guys here it from her, I think you'll understand." Rachel flew to stand in front of the crowd from her small perch on the deck. It was been built for her until they could make her a more permanent home. She nervously glanced at the crowd, then began chanting;

The day shall come; the gift shall cease

A restless foe ends the son of Greece

A lost soul enters an endless state

Through secrets revealing a hidden fate

The seven return to save youths light

In the ancient lands of wisdoms fight

Everyone went silent. This was definitely a quest. And Piper would be going.
Rachel stepped forward again, then cleared her throat, "So obviously, the camp must take immediate action. It says specifically that this quest must take place when "the day shall come, the gift shall cease." I believe that this is talking about the gift of prophecy. And it says-"
"The seven return-" Annabeth interrupted, which didn't seem to bother Rachel to much. "That means the seven from the last Great Prophecy. We're going on another quest."
Everyone stared at her, when in the background Clarrise moaned, "Aww really? I haven't gone on a quest since that one with Prissy for the golden fleece." That earned a few snickers, and the silence broke. Everyone began talking, and Pipers head was spinning.
"A restless foe ends the son of Greece"
This could mean many things, none of which Piper liked very much. A new for? Or was Gaea back? She heard a few people whisper, "The son of Greece... Percy." No. No way was Percy dying on this quest. And "a lost soul enters an endless state"?! Did that mean death?
Piper knew that trying to understand prophecies usually just made things more confusing, but she just had no idea what to expect.
Suddenly, the crowd parted, and Will Solace burst through, with Nico Di Angelo on his trail. Nico was wearing his black leather jacket over the Camp Half Blood shirt. He had dark jeans, and Will had recently forced his to get a minor haircut. Nico was pale as he normally was, but at the moment he had nothing on the son of Apollo. Will looked like he had seen a ghost. He scanned the crowd with wide eyes and stuttered, "Umm guys... There's a goddess in the Apollo cabin who wants to see you."

PJO/HOO After Blood of Olympus; The Son Of Greece (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now