🌇Best summer ever🌇

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Henry and Liam were laying on the couch in Liam's living room, watching horror movies together. Henry had his head on Liam's shoulder while Liam had his arm around him. The two of them had been together since the second week after summer vacation started. They had spent the entire summer hanging out and doing things like movie dates, video game nights, sleepovers,

Henry was even staying overnight at Liam's for the last night of summer, because why the heck not. It really had been a summer to remember. Only one issue to come with that though...

They hadn't exactly told anyone. Both their parents wanted them to each end up with a nice girl, and they didn't know how Drew and Jake would react

"When do you think we should tell them?" Henry asked tiredly. Liam didn't answer right away. He had to think about it for a second. What would happen if they told the others....

"Not yet..." he said, and Henry nodded. Liam saw how exhausted he was and smiled a bit. "We should probably get some sleep. After all, first day of senior year tomorrow"

"No..." Henry sighed. "It isn't that late..."

"Henry. It's almost 2:00 in the morning. You're exhausted, so just give in to the sleep"

Henry stood up about to protest, but his exhaustion got the better of him and he fell back onto the couch. Liam just laughed, then lifted him up. "Bed. Now."

Henry gave up resisting and rested his head on his tall boyfriend's shoulder. Once they were upstairs, Liam placed Henry on the bed then laid next to him. "Can we watch tv or something..." Henry asked. Liam just gave him a look, and Henry quit bugging. "See ya in the morning" Liam smiled before hugging Henry. "Yeah, you too..."


The next morning, both Liam and Henry scrambled to get ready. Henry's mom stopped by because she, and Liam's mom, insisted on getting photos

When they got to school, both of them sighed and looked at each other. This was gonna be a long year...

"Liam! Henry!"

Both of them turned around to see Jake and Drew walking over.

"You guys get girlfriends over the summer or what?" Drew asked. It's almost as if they were catching on right away

"Not exactly" Henry said. "Man, that sucks.." Jake said. "Says you!" Drew added. "You're the only one here who did get a girlfriend!"

Right as he said that, Jake noticed the music club. "I'll see ya later, guys!" he said before leaving. Drew sighed. "So, what did you two do over the summer? Ya know, when we weren't hanging out together"

Henry and Liam looked at each other. Whenever they weren't hanging out with Drew and Jake, they were doing stuff together

"Oh, ya know. Just chillin" Liam shrugged. Drew nodded, then headed off. Liam and Henry sighed. "How do you think they'll react when we tell em?"

"I dunno, but we're not telling em yet" Liam said. Henry sighed as the two of them made their way to class. He kept thinking back to summer where Liam and him could just be romantic with each other. Liam was thinking the same thing


"Why do you put skittles in the popcorn?" Liam asked. "Because it's amazing" Henry smiled. Him and Liam made their way to the ticket stand, turned in their tickets, then headed to the theater room. They found their seats and sat down. "Wanna take a picture?" Liam asked, to which Henry nodded. After a quick picture, Liam turned and kissed Henry.


"It'd be sick if there was a shark in the water!" Henry smirked as he and Liam walked towards the water. "No way will there be sharks" Liam responded. "We're at the beach."

"I know.." Henry sighed. "Hey, what happens if one of us drowns?" Liam thought for a minute then said "well mouth to mouth would be the only proper way to fix that issue"


"Man, you suck at this game!" Liam laughed as Henry was in the middle of a round of Dance Dance Revolution. "I don't suck!" Henry said. His round ended and he looked at Liam. "If you think you're so good at it, you try."

"I just might." Liam said as he stepped onto the board next to Henry. Henry put the coins in the machine, and him and Liam started the round. Several times, one of them would stumble. When they finished the round, they had a lower score than what Henry had gotten when playing alone. "Guess we both suck now" Henry smirked at Liam before the two of them got close and kissed each other

*End of flashbacks*

Both Liam and Henry smiled and looked at each other. "Best summer ever?" Henry asked, elbowing Liam lightly. Liam nodded. "All time best"

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