⚖️Shut up, count your calories(PART 1)⚖️

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TW⚠️: Mentions of a character hating the way they look, and a character not eating enough

The song attached may also be triggering for the same reasons

Idea for this from: Moondragonice

Thanks for the idea! :)

Enjoy the chapter everyone!


Henry's POV

"Henry, wake up! You have to get ready for school! Your bus will be here in 20 minutes!"

I woke up after hearing my mom call me from the kitchen

"mm...okay..." I responded as I sat up sleepily. I went over to my desk, and grabbed the clothes I had picked out the night before. When I took off my pajama shirt to change, I made the mistake of looking down

"Ugh...I look like shit..." I muttered to myself

Once I was dressed, I grabbed my bag that was hanging off the end of my bed. As I was leaving, I went over and looked in front of my mirror at myself

Ugh, I look so gross and overweight...

No matter what I do, I can't seem to loose weight...

I left my room, and headed straight for the bathroom. I remembered how my mom kept a scale in there. Not even sure what for, I don't think she uses it much. But she leaves it out, which gives me the chance to check it each morning

I got into and stepped on the scale

Ugggh, I can't seem to loose any weight!!

The last couple of days I've been trying to cut down on eating as much as I normally do...I'm not proud of it, honestly, I'm not...

But I thought it was working...looks like it hasn't....

But what else am I supposed to do?!

"Henry! Are you almost ready??"

"Y-Yeah mom..!" I called back to my mom. I walked out of the bathroom, and to the kitchen so I could see my mom

"Honey, are you okay with buying your lunch today...?" she asked me. I could tell she was frazzled...she's been pretty busy with work these past couple of days...busy enough actually that...I don't think she's noticed what's going on with me. I don't fault her though, she works so she can take care of me and our house

"Yeah, I'm okay..!" I lied to her. She smiled and handed me my water bottle so I could put it in my bag

"Have a good day, kiddo..!" my mom smiled at me as I was opening the door to leave. I just smiled back at her. "You too..!" I said, and then left out the door. My stomach hurts a bit, but I'll be fine...I think...

Well, at least one good thing can come from today, and that's seeing Liam...I don't know how he does it, but he always seems to make me feel better, no matter how upset I am


It was lunch at school and I was pretty hungry. But I can't let that get the better of me...

As I was waiting for Liam and the others near my locker, I could hear my stomach making noises. I just looked down and put my hand over my stomach. I really hope the noises aren't that noticable...


I looked up, and looked around, only to see Liam running over to me

"Hi!" I smiled

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