😖Anxiety attacks😖

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No one's POV

"Woah, dude, your hand!!"

Drew and Jake were gawking at the cast on Henry's hand

"Yeah.." he said "I sprained it at the skate park the other day.."

The day after the sprain, Henry's mom had kept him home so he could rest

"Was it severe...?!" Jake asked

"Nah.." Henry said "just a light one...but it does hurt if I put pressure on it..."

"Can you move it?" Drew asked

"A bit..!" Henry said

"If it isn't too, too bad...how come you got a cast?" Drew asked

"You know what my mom's like.." Henry sighed "she worries like crazy about me. Which is sweet! Just she...insisted I get a cast because it made her feel better. It's like she thought it'd get infected or something"

"I can attest to that." Liam said "I was there. I saw them put the cast on"

"Other than that, I just got a few bruises. Nothing else major" Henry shrugged

"When do you get it off?" Jake asked

"Hopefully in about a week and a half.." Henry said "I have to take medicine for it though, and it tastes disgusting. Think like...lemon mixed with cheese. That's the best way I can describe it"

"Gross.." Drew said

Henry nodded, and the four boys headed off to class together. However on the way, Henry started to feel a bit light headed. He held his head with his good hand, and looked off to the side. Liam noticed

"Hey, you okay..?" he asked

"H-Huh...?" Henry spoke up "Oh...! Yeah...I just feel a bit light headed..."

"You want some water? I can get it from your bag..!"

Henry smiled a bit at Liam

"Sure...thanks..." he said

Henry stopped walking as Liam unzipped his bag, and took out his water bottle. He took the cap off, then gave it to Henry

Once the bottle was back in the bag, Henry did feel slightly better. But it didn't last long...


In the middle of a class Henry and Jake had together, Henry suddenly started to feel...weird. He began to feel lightheaded again. But not just that. He felt shaky, and he felt like everyone was staring at him. He also felt kinda sick, and even a bit cold

"Hey, Henry..."

Henry flinched a bit, then looked to his side. Jake was looking at him

"Are you okay...?" he whispered

"N-Not really..." Henry whispered back "I-I feel weird..."

"Do you need to leave for a bit...?"

"I-I might..."

Henry put his good hand up, and the teacher looked up from her desk

"What, Henry."

"Can....C-Can I go to the bathroom....? I don't feel good....." he asked. This time a few other students really were looking at him

"I guess so."

The teacher had a slight bit of annoyance in her voice, but Henry didn't even care. He just got up, and quickly left the room

On the way to the bathroom, Henry quickly took his phone out to text Liam. He mainly had been communicating him by calling so he didn't have to type, but that was outside of school. So he had to attempt to type with his one good hand on his way to the bathroom

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