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No one's POV

A week and a half into senior year, and everything seemed to be going fine. At least for Liam and Henry it was. No one had found out they were dating yet. But they had had a couple of close calls

One time Liam had pulled Henry into a janitors closet again. When he went to kiss him, the door opened. They weren't seen mid-kiss, but had to lie and use the excuse of "We had to get something from here for our teacher, and got locked in by accident"

Luckily it was believable. That aside, they had been doing a good job of keeping the secret between the two of them

In Drew's case, senior year was absolutely hell. Possibly the worst year of highschool ever for him. He felt like he was being betrayed by Liam and Henry, since they were so secretive around him. And every time he asked them what was up, they'd always answer with "we don't got anything to hide!" or "We're just talking about stuff from the summer, don't worry about it!"

Drew also hated the fact that Jake was spending a lot of time with Hailey. Every time he saw him with her, it made him extremely upset. He wanted to be the one in Hailey's place. Getting to be with him all the time, going on dates with him and stuff

"That should be me...." he said quietly to himself one day during lunch. Liam looked over

"You say something, Drew?" he asked. "Ugh, no...nothing..." Drew sighed, annoyed

Henry looked at Liam, Drew still not looking at the two of them. He held up his phone, motioning that he was gonna text Liam something. Liam nodded in response, his phone ready in his hand

"I'm just so sick of Jake always ditching us..." Drew said

"Maybe try talking to him about it?" Liam suggested as his phone buzzed in his hand. He looked at the text from Henry

Henry🥬: Do you think he knows?

Liam🍅: I don't think so. We haven't done anything much really to make us seem suspicious. And from how it seems, he's pretty upset about Jake mostly

"Speaking of talking..." Drew said. He turned to Liam and Henry, both of them looking at him

"What happened with you two the other day?"

"What are you talking about?" Henry asked

"I'm talking about when you two wanted to eat alone the other day." Drew said simply

Henry's eyes went wide and Liam almost choked on his drink

"Hm? Struck a nerve, I see?" Drew said

"Drew, it's nothing." Liam said "Just...leave it alone..."

"THAT'S WHAT YOU ALWAYS SAY!!!" Drew snapped. Henry flinched a bit at Drew's sudden outburst, then moved a bit closer to Liam


Drew started to pick up his stuff to leave. Liam could see Henry looked pretty freaked out. Drew didn't get mad too often. But when he did, it was pretty terrifying

"Drew-" Liam started to say, but Drew cut him off short by yelling more


With that, Drew left, leaving a very annoyed Liam and an absolutely terrified Henry

"God, what an ass..." Liam sighed, holding his head. He looked at Henry, only to see he was tearing up a bit

"H-Hey, are you okay...?" he asked. Henry shook his head no

"This is all my fault..." he said "it was my idea to eat alone just you and me...if I didn't suggest it, we wouldn't be in this mess..."

Liam sighed then hugged Henry, making him stop his crying for a split second

"Henry, Drew being a jerk isn't your fault...you just wanted some alone time with me..."

Henry hugged Liam back, starting to relax

"I'm sure we can talk to Jake about this, and he'll handle Drew....or we can wait till Drew feels a lot calmer, and we can talk about it with him then....alright...?"

"Mhm..." Henry responded with a nod. He looked at Liam

"You okay...?" Liam asked

"Yeah...thanks..." Henry smiled. Then he did something neither of them expected he would do

Henry looked around their surroundings quickly, then kissed Liam, catching him off guard. The two of them stayed like that for a few seconds, completely forgetting they were even at school. That was until they heard a voice behind them

"Uh...excuse me..."

Henry and Liam both jumped, then looked away from each other, only to see Sadie standing there

"S-Sadie!" Liam said, his face going red. Henry's face was also red. "Uh...we were just-"

"I...don't mean to interrupt...whatever...that was..." Sadie said, sensing the awkward tension between the three of them "but you're blocking the door..."

Henry and Liam saw that where they were sitting was completely blocking the door to a single stalk bathroom

"O-Oh! Uh...sorry.." Liam said, sliding aside for Sadie to get through. "Y-Yeah, sorry..." Henry said, sliding the other way

"Don't worry about it..." Sadie said, entering the bathroom

Once the door was closed and locked, that's when the moment really started to settle in to the two boys

"OH MY GOD, THAT DID NOT JUST HAPPEN....!!!!" Henry practically shouted. His face completely red

"C-Calm down, Sadie won't tell anyone...!!" Liam said, trying to get Henry to calm down. It wasn't really working though. Henry was an absolute mess

"This is all my fault...!! I shouldn't have done that...!! And now the whole school's gonna know, and-"

Liam grabbed Henry's shoulders, making him look at him. Henry stopped panicking for a minute

"Henry, calm down..." Liam said "I highly doubt Sadie would tell anyone...no offence to her, but she kinda...keeps to herself..."

"None taken."

Liam and Henry jumped again. Out of pure panic, Henry clinged to Liam, as Liam pulled Henry closer. Both of them looked and saw Sadie standing behind them again

"And don't worry." she said "I won't tell anyone."

"K-Kay, thanks, Sadie..." Liam smiled nervously, his heart rate slowing down from the sudden jump scare

"Yeah..thanks.." Henry said, looking down

Sadie nodded, then walked away. The warning bell rang, and Liam and Henry let go of each other

"What class do you have next again...?" Liam asked

"Science.." Henry said "you..?"


Henry nodded. Both of them grabbed their stuff and got up. Right before they left, Henry grabbed Liam's hand

"You alright...?"

"Sure.." Henry sighed before looking at Liam. He smiled a bit and the two of them started walking to class, letting go of each other's hands as they grew closer to the crowded stairwell

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