🤢Sick day🤢

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Authors Note:

TW⚠️: Mentions of vomiting

I'm sorry, Nurse's Office is the only song I know that works with sick day stories/chapters😭😅


No one's POV

A few days later at school, Henry hadn't shown up at all. It was five minutes before class, and Liam kept looking around for him

"I'm sure he just slept pass his alarm or something..." Jake said with a reassuring smile. Liam just nodded a bit

The three split up, and once Liam got into class, he couldn't take it anymore. He had to make sure Henry was okay

Liam🍅: Hey, are you coming to school today..?

Henry🥬: I can't...I feel terrible...I think I have food poisoning...

Liam🍅: Omg, what?!

Henry🥬: Yeah..

Liam🍅: Can you ask your mom is I can come over after school?? I'll ask mine too. I wanna make sure you're okay

Henry🥬: Yeah, I'll ask🙂☺️😊


Both Liam's mom and Henry's mom agreed that the boys could hang out at Henry's when the school day was done

Liam got into the house and looked around

"Hello, Liam!" Henry's mom called from the kitchen. She quickly walked in

"He's just upstairs in his room..." she said

"Thank you.." Liam smiled, before he headed upstairs and Henry's mom went back to the kitchen

Liam got up to Henry's room and knocked on the door

"Come in...." he heard Henry say from inside

Liam went in the room, and saw Henry laying in bed. There was a large plastics bucket on the floor beside his bed, and a box of tissues and a cup of water on his bedside table

"Hi sweetheart..." Liam smiled. Henry's face was bright red. It was hard to tell if that was from a fever, or cause he was blushing from the nickname

"How you feeling...?"

"Sick..." Henry groaned. Liam sat down at the end of the bed, slowly as to not jerk Henry too much to the point where he threw up

"Can I get you anything...?" he asked. Henry shook his head no

"I just wanna not be sick..."

"Yeah, I get that..."

There was a few seconds of silence, then Henry sat up. He moved beside Liam, then hugged him

"Thanks for coming.."

"It's not a problem at all, darling..." Liam said. Henry's face went bright red at the nickname. He just smiled, then rested his head on Liam's shoulder


A few more minutes passed, Henry and Liam talking to each other. Everything seemed fine until suddenly, it wasn't

Liam looked at Henry at one point after Henry had gone quiet, and he saw that Henry's pale face was suddenly slightly green

"Henry...? Are you okay...?" he asked. Henry looked at him

"N-Not...really..." Henry responded as he wrapped his arms around his torso

"Do you need to be sick...?"

Henry hesitated before nodding

"Alright, lemmie help ya up..." Liam said as he stood from the bed. "Think you'll be okay to get to the bathroom...?"

Henry nodded as he slowly got up from his bed. Both of them headed to the bathroom. But before they did, Liam quickly grabbed the plastic bucket from beside Henry's bed, just in case he didn't get to the bathroom before he was sick


After almost five minutes of being sick in the bathroom, Henry was back in his room, laying in his bed

"You doing any better...?' Liam asked, as he sat at the end of the bed

"I dunno..." Henry said. He took the cup of orange juice from his side table and took a sip. Once he finished, he made a disgusted face at the drinks taste

"Um...can...you get me a water please...? This is starting to taste gross..."

"Yeah, of course...!"

Liam got up, then took the cup from the side table. Henry smiled a bit as he watched Liam leave the room

Liam quickly headed down to the kitchen, and dumped the leftover orange juice down the kitchen sink. He decided to grab a new cup so the orange juice taste wasn't floating around in the newly poured drink

Then Liam got an idea, and decided to use a water bottle instead. So he grabbed Henry's water bottle that he usually brought to school, filled it with ice, then filled it with water

"Everything okay, Liam...?"

Liam looked up, and into the living room. Henry's mom was dusting a few things in the living room

"He was...a little sick...but he's okay now...!" Liam said

"O-Oh my goodness, is he okay...?!" Henry's mom asked as she placed her dusting stuff down

"Yes, he's fine..." Liam said

Once the water bottle was filled, he screwed the cap on, and went to head upstairs

"Let me know if either of you need anything...!" Henry's mom called to Liam

"Will do...!" Liam responded, then headed upstairs


Liam got into Henry's room, and put the water bottle on the table

"Sorry that took a bit longer than expected..." Liam apologized

"It's okay...!" Henry responded "Sorry to put you through all that trouble..."

"It's not a problem at all..." Liam said as he patted Henry's head lightly. Henry smiled, then took his water bottle and looked at it

"I know what you're thinking." Liam said "I put it in a water bottle so it doesn't spill all over on accident..."

"Heh...thank you..." Henry smiled a bit before drinking some of the water. Once he had it on his side table, he laid back on his bed

Liam noticed Henry looked a little upset. Almost like something was on his mind

"Are you okay...?" Liam asked

Henry shrugged

"You can tell me if something is bothering you...I won't get mad..."

Henry hesitated before speaking again

"I...want you to lay next to me but...I don't want you to get sick..."

There was a bit of silence between the two, then Liam layed down next to Henry


"Last time I checked, I'm pretty sure food poisoning isn't contagious..." Liam smiled as he looked at Henry. Henry smiled a bit, then hugged Liam, who hugged him back. Henry started to feel tired, and Liam noticed him starting to close his eyes

"Love you..." Henry smiled sleepily

"I love you too, sweetie..." Liam smiled back as Henry fell asleep in his arms


Authors Note: I love these two, they're one of my comfort ships🥺🥰

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