🌙So many voices in my head🌙

515 14 18

TW: Mentions of bullying


No one's POV














Henry woke up in a cold sweat, his whole body shaking. He sat up slowly in Liam's bed and looked around the mildly dark room. It was slightly light due to the curtains being open, and the moonlight shining through

Henry looked to his side, and saw Liam was still asleep beside him. Henry laid back down, facing him, and just stared at him for a few seconds. After a bit, he pulled on his arm lightly


Liam didn't wake up, or even slightly move

"Right....he's a pretty heavy sleeper..." Henry thought.

"Liam...!!" he said a bit louder, shaking Liam's arm a bit harder

This time Liam's eyes opened a bit, and he looked around. He saw Henry beside him, looking upset

"What's wrong....?"

"Um....stupid nightmare...."

Liam have Henry a concerned look

"Oh...do you wanna talk about it or.....?"

"I dunno...I guess..."

Both of them sat up, and Henry leaned over and turned on the bedside table lamp. He looked down, trying to figure out how to properly word what he wanted to say

"It just....it was just a bunch of people yelling things at me....calling me things like a loser, a freak, and annoying..."

All of a sudden, Henry just started crying, making Liam flinch a bit in surprise


Henry just grabbed the pillow he was laying on, and burried his face in it. Liam got on his knees, then put his arms around Henry before pulling him closer

"Calm down, it's okay...it's over now..."

Henry cried for about five minutes, then looked up

"You feeling any better...?" Liam asked. Henry nodded

"Yeah...can we go back to sleep...?"

Liam nodded, and layed back down. Henry layed beside him, and started to doze off



About 15-20 minutes later, Henry woke up again with a scream. He felt the same way he felt when he woke up the first time, if not worse

Liam jolted up after hearing his boyfriend scream his name

"What....?! What is it...?"

Liam saw Henry sitting next to him, his knees pulled up to his chest, and his arms wrapped around himself as he cried into them. It only took Liam a second to realize what was wrong. Very slowly, as to not frighten his boyfriend, Liam put his arms around Henry then pulled him to his lap

"Henry...? Can ya look at me for a second...?"

Henry looked up, still crying

"You have another nightmare...?"

Henry hesitated before nodding in response to Liam's question

"Don't worry, okay...? Whatever happened, it wasn't real...you're safe with me, I promise..."

"I was drowning and it was dark and I couldn't see or move and I felt like I was getting dragged further down and-and-"

Liam just continued to hug Henry as he cried and vented about what happened. After a bit, the venting from Henry stopped, and he just layed his head on Liam's shoulder, Liam still keeping his arms around Henry

"Are you okay now...?" Liam asked, wiping Henry's tears away

Henry nodded. "I-I guess..."

"You think you can go back to sleep...?"

"O-Only if you promise to not leave me alone all night..."

Liam smiled, laying Henry back down next to him, then laying down himself while smiling

"I promise..."

Henry smiled back at Liam

"Thanks, Liam..."

"It's not a problem at all..." Liam smiled before kissing Henry "See you in the morning...love you..."

"Love you too..." Henry said with a yawn before falling asleep

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