🦴Sprained wrists🦴

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Authors Note: Don't try any of the skate tricks in this at home-


No one's POV

The next morning, Liam and Henry were still in a deep sleep when suddenly there was a knock on the door

"Oi! You two dorks up yet?!"

Henry and Liam woke up and looked at each other. Instantly they realized the position they'd fallen asleep in. Both of their faces went red as they stared at each other

"U-Uh...yeah! Yeah, we are!" Liam said, as Henry quickly got off of him and layed beside him. Instantly after, the door opened. Drew was standing there, with Jake behind him

"You two been up for a while?" Drew asked

"Nah..we actually both just woke up now from the knocking..." Liam yawned. Henry nodded

"Oh, we're sorry..!" Jake said

"Don't worry about it.." Liam said as he got out of bed

"I'm gonna go start breakfast!" Jake said "you guys okay with waffles? More specifically chocolate chip and blueberry?"

"Heck yeah!" Liam smiled. Henry's eyes went wide and he sat up, then nodded with a smile

Jake nodded smiling, then headed downstairs. Drew stretched a bit, then followed Jake. Liam and Henry looked back at each other

"Uh...S-Sorry about...you know..." Henry said, looking down. His face was still pretty red. "It's fine.." Liam smiled nervously "Wanna just...go get food..?"

"Yeah.." Henry smiled a bit before getting up


During breakfast, Liam and Henry could tell something was going on with Drew and Jake. They were very quiet with each other, and they wouldn't look at each other either

Henry and Liam were giving them confused looks. Finally at one point, they looked at each other, then back at the other two. And at that point, Liam asked;

"Did you two kiss last night when we split to go to sleep?"

Jake's face went bright red. Drew coughed a bit, slightly choking on the waffle bit he was eating

"H-Huh?!" Drew said, managing to get his food down

"You two just seem so off." Liam said. Henry nodded in agreement

"W-We did NOT kiss...!!" Jake panicked. Drew nodded, and said "Y-You two are on something."

Liam and Henry just shrugged it off. They could tell Drew and Jake had clearly confessed the night before

Before the sleepover, any time Henry and Liam were asked about why they were acting so odd, they'd have a reaction similar to this. So they understood


Later on when everyone was home, Liam and Henry were talking on the phone together

"I'm glad we finally told them.." Henry said

"Me too.." Liam agreed "and that they're supportive.."

The two of them ended up talking for a while, and made plans to go to the skatepark again in a few days like they normally would


At school Monday, Jake seemed very nervous. When Liam and Henry showed up, they saw Jake on a bench outside looking scared, with Drew beside him with his hand on top of Jake's. The two went over, and stood in front of them

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