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No one's POV

"First day back, and we have a TEST?!"

"You guys had a test in fourth period?" Henry said to Drew, who was really ticked off. "Yeah, in geography! Like, come on!"

"Well, not me" Henry smirked. "My teacher actually doesn't care if we're on our phones."


Henry shrugged, then looked around. "Jake not coming?" he asked. Drew scoffed, and shook his head no. "No. He's meeting with his stupid little freak squad today. The traitor..."

"You guys wanna head to the skate park?" Liam asked. "Sure, but I'll need to grab my board first" Henry said, then turning to Drew. "You in, Drew?"

"Sure, I guess" Drew said. "Hanging out with you morons may take my mind off my stupid day."

"Aww, come on, you know you looove us" Henry said, elbowing Drew while smiling. Drew rolled his eyes before heading off, leaving Henry and Liam by themselves.

"We went to the skatepark over the summer together, right?" Henry said, looking at Liam who nodded. "Pretty sure, yeah"

A few more busses pulled into the pickup/dropoff zone, one of those busses being Henry's. "Meet you later at the skatepark?" Liam asked before Henry left. Henry nodded, getting on the bus after. He would've done some sort of affectionate action towards Liam before he left, but they agreed to not do anything in public that could show they're more than just friends. Even just hugging each other could be suspicious to some people


Liam was the first to show up at the skatepark. He was constantly texting Henry while getting ready that it was slowing him down, so he was shocked to be the first one there. Shortly after he arrived, Drew showed up and so did Henry. When Jake's mom's car pulled up, he got out while talking to his mom. The other boys couldn't hear what was, but Jake walked over after a bit. "Ooh, what's that for? Curfew?" Henry said mockingly. "Shuttup" Jake sighed, flushing red from embarrassment. "Come on, let's have some fun!"


"You guys remember those sleepovers we'd have when we were in freshman year?" Jake asked, preparing to skate down into a dip. "Hell yeah!" Henry said. "Man, those were the days.." Jake sighed

"Don't get so sappy" Drew said, sliding down a railing on his board. "We should do one of those another time" Liam shrugged. Henry seemed excited by that, and Liam could tell.

"Maybe, I dunno. We are in senior year now" Drew said. "It could be fun!" Jake smiled

"I remember how we'd go down into Liam's basement," Henry said "and we'd have bags of chips and stuff and play video games and watch horror movies"

"That was sick" Liam smirked. When Drew and Jake weren't looking, Liam looked at Henry and mouthed out the words "love you"

Henry smiled and nodded in return


When the boys had finished skating and were thoroughly exhausted, they just decided to sit for a bit on a park bench. "What time your parents comin?" Drew asked, looking at Liam. "In about an hour, yours?"

"Pretty soon I think"

Jake's phone began ringing in his pocket, making the other three look up. He figured it was either his mom calling, or Hailey. Sure enough, it was his mom. He got up, pressing the talk button and holding the phone to his ear

"Hey mom. ...yeah, we're just waiting. ...yeah, it was cool- no mom, I'm not hurt. I'm alright. ...moooom. .....yeah yeah, whatever you say-"

He continued to talk while Drew was busy with his phone, Henry watched him talk, and Liam just looked around at the park scenery.

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