🎼First Jake, now Liam?!🎼

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No one's POV

A few days later, Henry was well and back at school. It was lunch one day, and while Henry, Drew and Jake were all waiting for Liam

"Where is he...??" Henry asked

"How should we know." Drew sighed "But if he doesn't show up soon, I'm getting in the cafeteria line."

Five more minutes passed and suddenly, Liam ran into the cafeteria and up to his friends

"Hey guys! Sorry about that!" he said as he took his headphones from his head, and left them on his shoulders

"Dude, where were you?!" Drew asked. Henry hugged Liam

"Just...took the long way cause the halls were really crowded." Liam said

"Whatever, man. I'm getting food now, I'm starving!" Drew said. Before anyone could respond, he got in line for food. Jake ran after him, and stood next to him

"How you doing?" Liam asked, as he followed his friends with Henry

"Not too bad!" Henry smiled. Liam smiled back, and they got in line with their friends

After the boys had all gotten their food, they headed to their table. Jake and Drew sat beside each other on one side, and Henry and Liam sat beside each other on the other side. Liam noticed on Henry's tray, he didn't have much on his tray. He had a small salad, which was different from the large or medium he would get. And he didn't grab any snacks, like cookies or anything. For drinks, he just had his water bottle that he'd brought to school

"Not feeling too hungry today, Henry?" Jake asked, noticing aswell. Henry looked up

"Oh, yeah..not a lot.."

"Are you still not feeling good..?" Liam asked

"N-No, I'm okay..!" Henry said "I promise..I just...don't feel too hungry today...which is funny cause I was too tired to eat breakfast.."

"I get that." Drew shrugged "I can't always eat in the morning"

"Same" Liam agreed

With that part of the conversation out of the way, the four enjoyed their lunch together


After a few days, Henry, Jake and Drew could tell something was going on with Liam. They couldn't tell exactly what yet though

So one day after school, Henry got to Liam's locker before Drew and Jake. And when he got there, he asked;

"Hey, Liam, can we hang out at my house?"

"Okay!" Liam said "What's the occasion?"

"No occasion! Just wanna hang out, just the two of us!" Henry smiled "I already asked my mom, and she's cool with it!"

"It's a date!" Liam smiled "I just gotta check with my mom real quick"

Once Liam had texted his mom and gotten the "okay" from her, him and Henry finished getting their stuff, and left to head to Henry's house


Henry and Liam were playing Mario Kart in Henry's bedroom together. Everything seemed fine, and they were having a lot of fun together. After a bit, Henry's mom knocked on the door

"Come in!" Henry called

Henry's mom walked in, holding a plat in one hand

"I brought you two some cookies..!" Henry's mom smiled, as she placed a tray of cookies on Henry's desk

"Thanks, mom!" Henry smiled at his mom, as he paused the video game. His mom smiled back, then left the room

Liam left his controller on the bed, then went to the des to grab two cookies for himself

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